Trinity's Bloodline Guide

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*My Valentine's Day gift to all my readers!  Happy Valentine's Day!  :D

Thera (pronounced theh-RAH) is indeed an anagram of Earth, as first caught by Filigree!  I wanted my story to take place in a world similar to ours, so I put it in a parallel universe but changed the name around a bit.  

As I'm sure many of you have already noticed, Euoper (pronounced YOO-oh-per) is an anagram of Europe.  It was originally going to be Eupero, but I changed it at the last minute.  Vampires' mythology began in Europe, so the sources of magic that created the vampires in my story also originated in my parallel world's equivalent.

Lonnod is London scrambled.  I felt like scrambling or changing the letters of "English" or "British" wouldn't have amounted to anything good, so Lonnod it is.  Thus, Den has our world's equivalent of English/British accent.  Charming accent, no?

Acirema is America backwards, if anyone noticed that.  So, yes, the story takes place in Thera's American lands.  In chapter six, I mention "Ilac" and "Sector."  In this world, the American lands are divided by Sectors, not States.  Also, Ilac is "Cali" for California backwards.

Ever heard of the British noble title Duke of York?  Well, if you guys noticed, Kroy (Nero Saber's title) is York backwards.  

Caldwell is a name of Old English origin that originally meant "cold well."  

Snaedis means "snow goddess" or "snow spirit," and is an Icelandic name.  There you go.  More significant names.

Vampirish (Guiecs' and vampires' language)

Lyda Caer- Cage of Light (lit. Light Cage); pronounced LY-duh KIRE

Lyda Einoa- Chains of Light (lit. Light Chains); pronounced LY-duh eh-ee-NOH-ah

Lyda Iaren- Barrier of Light (lit. Light Barrier); pronounced LY-duh YAR-ren

Cand- Queen of; pronounced literally (if you notice Candice's name, it would mean "Queen of Ice" if put together)

Note:  This will continue to be added to as the story progresses.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2012 ⏰

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