Chapter 1

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You are half troll, half human. You have icy blue eyes(and blood) and you're skin is pale gray. You have no horns, and a dog tail cus your lusus is a dog.
(Y/n) pov
Everything was perfect. It was all good. We were happy. Until they came. Came and destroyed everyone and everything I loved. What happened? I was with my family. My fellow icy blue bloods. I was sitting on the swing my father made for me. He pushed me on it. "Higher daddy higher!!" I squeaked as my father pushed me on the swing. My mother, who was human, smiled at my excitement. My father chuckled and pushed me as high as I wanted. Then he stopped, and i moved my legs to keep going. "Alright (Y/n)! Now's the time to jump off!" he exclaimed. He walked in front of the swing and outstretched his arms. "I'll catch you, I promise." He smiled at me. Its the smile I always knew I could trust. I swung a few more times, then jumped off. Everything slowed down. I felt the wind blowing through my hair, and it was like I was flying. My dad caught me and spun me around. I giggled and squealed excitedly. He laughed and kissed my cheek. I wagged my small tail and hugged him. He put me down and I ran to my mother. "Didja see me mommy? I was flying! Like a bird!" I exclaimed. She laughed and ruffled my hair. "Yes. You're my little bird (Y/n)." she spoke softly. I giggled and ran off to join the other children. We each wagged our tails and played together, grabbing our wooden swords and pretending to be in a mighty war! Meanwhile, trolls with different colored blood walked into our little village, holding their weapons. They walked up to one of the stronger men and the leader of the group spoke to him. The strong icy blue blood seemed to get angry, and scared. I was paying attention a bit, but I still played with the other children. I walked backwards while my friend walked towards me, our wood swords hitting eachother. I turned around and ran away laughing. She ran after me. I turned back around and quickly walked backwards, sword fighting her again. I suddenly felt my sword hit someone, then my back hit the same troll. It was one of the different colored bloods. He turned around growling. He picked me up by the back of my shirt and glared at me. My tail stop wagging and went between my legs. "I-I'm sorry sir. I didn't see you." I said nervously. "Hasn't your lusus taught you about respecting highbloods?" he asked, his voice menacing. "Y-yes but, I-I didn't know you're a hi-" I was interrupted. "Put my child down!" my father shouted, running towards us. "This brat is yours?" the highblood asked. "Yes, this child is mine. And I'm sure that whatever she did she is sorry." my father looked determined to protect me. The highblood looked at me and squinted his eyes. "Why doesn't she have horns?" he asked. "That is information that you do not need, nor should any purple blood have to know about." The highblood growled and dropped me. I whimpered and hid behind my father. My mother suddenly came out and saw my look of fear. She looked up, and terror washed over her face. Another highblood walked up to her and examined her. "This..... is no troll." he said, looking at the leader. "What is that?" the leader asked my father. "She is my matesprit." he replied. The highblood stayed quiet for a moment. "Kill her." he ordered. The other highblood nodded and grabbed my mother. I turned around and cried. "Don't hurt my mommy!!" I ran towards the troll and grabbed his wrist. I tried to pull him away, determined to protect my mother. "Stay away lowblood brat!" he yelled, shoving me away. He picked my mother up by the neck, choking her. "No!!!" father yelled. Two highbloods held him back, forcing him to watch his love die. "Mommy!!!" I cried. My mother soon stopped struggling and went limp. The troll dropped her and she lay emotionless on the ground. I ran by her side and shook her. "Mommy wake up! Mommy!! Wake up!!" I cried. "Now kill them all! Don't let any of them get away!!" the leader ordered. The other highbloods immediately started slaughter and fight my fellow icy blue bloods. Everyone was screaming, crying, we were all terrified. My father picked me up and ran into our hive. He looked at me, fear in his eyes. "(Y/n) listen. Go get Barkmother. Get her now. Don't get caught." he said hastily. I nodded and ran to the back of the hive while my dad ran back out to the fight. "Barkmother Barkmother!!! Help!!! The highbloods are hurting everyone!!!" I yelled as I ran into the room Barkmother always slept in. I shook her to wake her up. My lusus stood up and gently pushed me towards the wall. She moved a large decoration to reveal a small hole. She pushed me in and softly barked, telling me to stay in. I nodded as she covered the hole with the decoration. I crawled all the way to the back of the hole and hid. I heard the screams of all my friends. I heard Barkmother growling. These were all sounds no child should have to hear. I silently cried as screams died down, and Barkmother whimpered and everything got quiet. The purple bloods yelled to eachother as they walked around. They then walked into my hive, and into Barkmother's block. I stayed quiet and still, hoping that they wouldn't find me. "No one here! We got them all!" one of them shouted. "Alright. Let's go back and report our victory." another shouted. Their footsteps receded and everything got quiet. I waited a while. Probably about an hour. I crawled out from the hole and looked out. The purple bloods were all gone. My family and friends all lie motionless on the ground. Barkmother lay still, blood seeping out of her fur. I looked around and saw my father. I ran to his side and shook him. "Daddy." I whispered. His eyes slightly opened and he looked at me. "Oh thank gog." he said weakly. "Daddy are you okay?" I asked. "No sweetheart. Im not. Im sorry." he whispered. "Daddy please get better." I held his large hand in my small one. "Im afraid I can't. But I will give you something that will remind that im always protecting you." he said. He struggled, but he took off his necklace. The necklace woven with the strongest of weeds, and two fangs forming a heart. He put it in my small hand and smiled. "Wear that, and know im protecting you. I love you (Y/n)." he said. "I love you too daddy." My fathers eyes drooped down and he grew limp. His hand dropped to the ground and his smile disappeared. "Daddy?" I asked, lightly shaking him. I kept repeating 'daddy' while shaking him. I cried and realized I had lost everyone I ever loved. I stood up and wiped my tears. I put on the necklace and looked into the woods. Since that day, I swore to avenge my friends. Avenge my lusus. Avenge my village. Avenge my father. They're deaths will not go by quietly. Not while im still alive. I'll start wars if I have to. I will get rid of highbloods, and any other trolls working for them. No matter what...

This got kinda dark really fast. Sorry. Anyway, its late at night and I need my sleep. I'll try to update soon. Byyyyyeee

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