Chapter 4- We'll Work Together

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Robin sighed, running a hand through his hair as he trailed after Amicus. The big fellow was friendly and kind. Too friendly and kind, really. As well as Rosy. Why hadn't they questioned Marian before accepting her? Why had they decided to feed her before knowing who the hell she was? She was smug and sarcastic and just plain annoying, but he couldn't turn her away. She was in need of a place for the night and he would give her one.

Of course, it wasn't just kindness that made Robin feel the need to keep Marian around. She had the knife.... The one that had belonged to the woman he hated more then anyone else. He had to find out who killed that woman, because if he didn't this would never be over. He couldn't get revenge on the woman, but he could get revenge on the person who took revenge away from him. As far as Robin knew, that knife could hold clues. Important clues.

Robin heard Rosy's voice echoing from the kitchens. It was already past mealtime, so everyone else had most likely already eaten. Amicus opened the door to the kitchen and bowed mockingly to Robin, gesturing through the door. Robin rolled his eyes and grinned as he walked through the entrance.

Rosy was bustling about the kitchen, talking and gathering food. Every once in a while she'd set a plate in front of Marian and whisk away the one that was already there. Marian was perched awkwardly on the edge of a stool, picking at the food on the plate. Robin noticed that she barely seemed to take a bite before Rosy replaced the food.

"Rosy, give her some time to eat," Amicus commented, entering the room just after Robin. Rosy paused and looked up at the two with wide eyes.

"She's so skinny! I need to get her fattened up a bit," Rosy informed the pair. Marian looked up too, grey eyes widening to show surprise.

"I'm fine, really. I don't eat that much," Marian protested. Rosy sighed and settled down into a chair across from Marian. She focused her warm brown gaze on the girl as she started on the plate of food in front of her. Marian took a bite and chewed slowly, her eyes flickering around the room. She placed the fork down and pushed away the plate, which was still piled with food.

"I'm done," Marian said, standing up. Rosy stood with her, an admonishing glare on her face. Just as Rosy opened her mouth to scold the young girl and force her to eat more, Robin interrupted.

"Good. What were you doing in the forest?" Robin asked. Rosy's anger switched targets and she turned her stern glare on Robin instead. Robin could hear a sigh from Amicus behind him and braced himself for the bombardment he was about to receive.

"Robin! That is not the way to talk to a lady, especially a lady who is a guest in your home. What do you think she's hiding?" Rosy exclaimed, taking a menacing step towards Robin with every word. Robin stood his ground and squared his shoulders, meeting Rosy's gaze firmly.

"Well, for one thing she has a knife. Besides, Rosy, this is procedure. You're supposed to question every new member, not feed them dinner and show them around the camp!" Robin responded. His voice rose as he spoke until he was shouting the last few words into Rosy's face. Rosy glared up at him, just as stubborn and easily angered as Robin himself.

"Why are you so suspicious, Robin? Who do you think she's going to tell?" Rosy yelled. The fight was starting to boil over.


Marian stared in astonishment as motherly Rosy got into a screaming match with Robin. Over her. It was one of the oddest sights she'd ever seen and Marian simply could not understand what they were getting so worked up about. Her questioning grey eyes met those of Amicus and he shrugged at the silent inquiry in them. She stood and moved towards the pair.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2012 ⏰

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