Chapter 1

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Rosewood, Pennsylvania. Labor Day, 2009.

It was a dark and story night. Aria Montgomery, Spencer Hastings, Hanna Marin and Emily Fields were all sitting laughing together in Spencer's barn. They thought they heard a noise.

"Did you guys hear that?" asked Hanna.

Aria picked up a flashlight and pointed it toward the barn door which was open just a little bit so you could see the lighting strikes and etc.

The girls started to walk toward the door as a bolt of lightning flashed as they all screamed.

The four, now in a huddle, inched their way towards the door. Scared.

"Hello?" Aria asked.

Out of nowhere, someone came charging into the barn, screaming and scaring the girls as they screamed at this person. It was Alison. She began to laugh.

"So not funny Alison!" stated Spencer.

"Haha. You guys should've seen the look on your face," Alison chucked. She sat down with the rest of the girls.

"Did you download Beyoncé's new album, Hanna? I'm loving her new album!" Emily said to Hanna.

"Yeah, maybe a little too much, Em," Alison said to Emily as Emily looked ashamed.

"Let's play a game," Ali said.

"What game?" Spencer asked.

"Everyone drinks from the same cup, like a sacred chalice almost, and has to tell us half of a secret- but not the whole thing. The rest of us are supposed to speculate. It's suppose to tease and intrigue people. Make you wonder," Alison instructed.

"Okay," Spencer said.

A few minutes later, the girls were playing the game.

"Aria, it's your turn," Alison said.

Alison handed the cup that was filled with alcohol to Aria. Aria took a surprisingly, unintentional big gulp.

"Woah Aria! Careful. Drink too much and tell us all you're secret!" Spencer said.

Aria chucked trying to spit the alcohol out.

"Best friends share secrets, it's what keeps us close," Alison said. All the girls pondered this, "Drink up."

Aria took another sip.

  "Okay so.............when I was little. Six years old maybe. I used to think that if you ate pigs, you became one. So I did something to see and....................that's all I can say!"

"Ew, what did you do?" Spencer asked.

"I can't say, I can't say!"

The girls chuckled.

"Emily's turn," said Alison.

Aria handed the cup to Emily.

A little while later that night, Aria, Hanna and Emily were surprisingly asleep. Aria woke up. She noticed Hanna and Emily were asleep but that Spencer and Alison were missing. Aria threw a pillow at Hanna to wake her up.

"Hm?" Hanna asked.

"Wake up," Aria said.

"Where's Spencer and Ali?" Hanna asked running her eyes obviously tired.

"I don't know." Aria said.

Emily woke up then too. Aria got up and started for the barn door with the flashlight. She sees Spencer enter the barn.

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