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Let it begin..

Luke knew his parent's divorce was an impending disaster, it was expected to happen any day now. What he didn't expect was to be rushed to pack a weeks worth of clothes for a family vacation to 'rejuvenate' them all and wash away all their worries.

The funny thing is that his dad decided to stay home with his thoughts and Molly. When all three of the Hemmings boys including their mum knew the only reason he stayed was to get more time with a young, childless twenty-five year old whom he had been caught with on multiple occasions.

Liz took it in stride saying that the "blonde bitch" is only getting her leftovers and there isn't really that much left. This made each of her sons die of laughter since their mum basically said that their dad was a waste of space and had a small—after all of the drama was behind the family at their home instead of the airport, the longest and the funniest journey had just begun.


"Christ Mum, how in all of Australia did we afford to buy a vacation to a Hawaiian resort?" Jack, Luke's middle brother said as the three blonde teenagers looked around their surroundings in awe.

"Your donor's retirement money. That's how. Now c'mon I'd like to check in then go get a margarita to sip on by the pool." Answered their mum as she waltzed up to the counter to get the room floor and keys.

Ben shrugged, Jack chucked and shook his head at his bold and seemingly ok mother, and well Luke..he was unfazed and stared down at his black and slightly sandy converse. The only thing that made him lift his head for his blue eyes to scan the lobby was the sudden abundance of a unique laughter. "Luke grabbed my bags as well please," Liz said when she returned with the room key that looked more like a credit card.

"Twenty-seventh floor Benjamin," Jack said teasingly to his older brother when the family of four made it into the golden elevator.

Luke had set down his and his mum's suitcases when the doors closed with a shrill sound that was frightening and almost alarming.

"Better hope we don't get stuck, now do we Lucas?" His brothers began teasing and attempting to frighten their baby brother, knowing of his sometimes not so 'manly' tendencies to squeal like a pig when something scary happens.

"Oh shut up will you." Luke muttered, his eyes never leaving the electronic screen showing the floor number as they rose past it.

Finally, and luckily, the doors of the elevator opened once the car had stopped at the designated floor but not without a sudden jolt that was meant to be the smooth stop.

"Someone needs to come and look at that rickety elevator, people have paid too much to be here to get stuck in some elevator." Liz said with a shake of her head as she stepped out with her sons following behind with the luggage.

"Watch Luke be the one with that kind of luck,"

"I bet you ten bucks that he doesn't even leave the hotel room to get stuck in the elevator."

"Don't tease your brother you two, no one is getting stuck in any elevator." Liz said as she scanned the hallway for room 2715.

"Mum,  he can't even hear a word we are saying. He's in Luke-land again." Jack muttered while following behind.

This was true, Luke was too busy looking down the hallway at a mother and her teenage son who had emitted the giggle he had heard in the lobby that had captivated him and pulled his attention from his shoes.

"Hello, how are you?" Liz said with a wide smile in a polite greeting as her family passed the said mother and son.

The pair stopped their silent
conversation as the blonde mother replied back with the same phrase and a gentle smile and her very attractive (so Luke had decided) son replied with a dimpled grin and a small wave of his tanned hand.

"Little Lucas has a crush." Jack said as soon as the Hemmings made it inside of their suite and were away from hearing ears.

But not like it mattered anyway.

"I do not, there is no shame in finding someone attractive. You always flirt with the pretty girls that you come across." Luke replied with a huff as he pulled out his phone to text a friend back.

"But staring is just plain creepy, least I talk to the said girls."

"I don't think Luke is gonna be doing any talking with that boy though." Ben said as he entered the pair's conversation.

"What makes you say that! I'm not as awkward as you guys make me out to be." Luke rolled his eyes as his brothers made him out to be a total loser that couldn't flirt.

"I know you aren't COMPLETELY awkward. But you aren't getting a conversation out of that boy unless you are fluent in sign language."

"What are you trying to say?" Luke questioned his brother as he put his phone down.

"The boy is deaf, Luke. And I know for a fact you can only—barely speak English. So good luck trying to get in his swim shorts." The oldest Hemmings said with a laugh before he joined Jack in unpacking their suitcases and leaving Luke to himself. Not that he minded anyway.

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So hELLO!! i'm super excited for this one...i'll start updating more once i finish tioms.

so yeah. hope you enjoyed this.

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