In the Beginning

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I was dozing off in Chemistry, like always. I hated this class, I never understood anything the teacher was teaching. It was 10th hour, last hour of the day. I looked outside and seen the snow melting on the grass. It was springtime. Spring. The muddiest time of the year. Great. I forgot my rain boots and had to walk home in my new white canvases. I was a junior with no car. What kind of junior doesn’t have a car? A poor one I guess.

I raised my hand and asked to go to the bathroom. Yeah. Seventeen and still can’t even go to the bathroom without asking. The American system is just amazing right? I walked through the halls of my high school. I remember when I first got here. My first day, freshman year was amazing. I thought I was going to run this school, as most freshman think. Of course it only took me about a week to realize that us freshman were on the bottom and everyone hated us. Then I got that big anxiety thing sophomore year, and now here I am junior year.I looked up and realized that I passed the bathroom about 5 minutes ago. Turning around I bumped into someone and hit the ground almost face first. I looked up into the eyes of the most gorgeous boy I’ve ever had the pleasure of bumping into. Have you ever met someone who you just know you’re meant to be with? That one person who fits you perfectly? Caleb fit me.               

“I’m so sorry Elizabeth!” He cried, immediately leaning down to help me up. The way he said it sent shivers up my spine. I’m not much of one to like people touching me, but when he grabbed my elbow to help me up, everything was right in the world. I looked up into his deep brown eyes. His skin could’ve been gold for the brown had that kind of tint. I imagine this is what love would feel like. Him holding me, making sure I’m safe. I stood up and kind of brushed myself off. I smiled weakly at him.            

    “It’s okay, Caleb. I guess I should watch where I’m going.” I looked into his eyes and died a little inside when He grinned at me.               

“Yeah, and stop being so clumsy! How’s that art project coming along?” He asked. I instantly got slapped in the face, metaphorically speaking. Of course, how could I forget? Caleb and I weren’t in a relationship, heck he didn’t even like me like that. He was just my art mentor. He had been since last year. He was incredible at drawing, and I was….well…art was challenging for me.          

      “It’s a……coming along I guess.” I smiled shyly. It was coming along terribly. I hadn’t even started it yet. I had no idea where to even start it.

                “Well, I know you and I know that you procrastinate so if you need help, that’s what I’m here for!” He smiled and winked at me, “You still got my number right?” 

               “Yeah! I’m sure I’ll need help eventually.” I told him.   

             “Well, I need to get to class, so see you around Liza!” He said, strolling off casually. I watched him for a second then turned around and headed to the bathroom.   

             I returned to class and sat there thinking to myself. Caleb. Caleb Martinez. I’d had a crush on him since sophomore year. Of course I had that anxiety thing since sophomore year too. He’s one of the few people that I’d talk to at school. Him and Mary. Of course we’d never work out, he had a girlfriend, and I wasn’t nearly as pretty as her. He was also a senior, so if something happened and he got completely brain-washed to love me, we wouldn’t last long. He wasn’t even into me like that. I mean sure I’d get the occasional, “nice shoes” comment, but he said that to everyone. I decided to shove all ideas about Caleb to the back of my head. I needed to forget about him, we’d never work. I’d never get the chance

The bell rang finally and I walked to my locker. My friend Mary was standing there waiting on me.

“I’m SO excited for the dance tonight, we are going to look so hot!” She practically blared in my ear. Right. The Spring Semi-Formal was tonight. She had picked out my dress for me. She said that since I had no fashion common sense what so ever, she was doing me the service of making sure I looked decent. Which by her standards meant looking like a slut.

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