1/ Conscious Nightmares

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hi again. the headings arent the chapter titles, but they show the pov. if you wasnt i'll post longer stories less frequently, or just like this, wat do u guys want?


Bleep. Bleeep bleep.

I woke up with a slightly rhythmic bleeping for my fanfare. Other than that, there was complete silence. The first thought I registered was that I was concious. So therefore, I must, in some form, exist. Good. So life, or at least existence, did not stop after one's life on earth. I then stopped thinking and rested for a while, feeling relaxed and slightly heavy.

Wow. Huh. So this is heaven. (I hope) I smiled a little guiltily, and wondered absently what the bleeping was. My mind was slightly cloudy, but otherwise, I felt great. Mmm, I loved this. Absently, I scratched my leg. Or rather, I tried to scratch my leg.

Instantly, my mind went into a full blown emergency mode. I guess it was kind of like a hospital when a severely injured patient comes in...

Shit. Hospital! I knew I had recognized that weird bleeping noise.

"You idiot, moron why aren't you dead??" a tiny voice at the back of my head yelled at me.

"How the hell do you expect me to know?" I screamed back.

Okay. Calm down. Deep breaths. (If I can still take any.)

That thought set me off again.

"You moron what have you do--"

"Her pulse rate! It's rising rapidly." A entirely alien female voice interrupted my frank and full discussion with myself.


I felt a tiny prick at my right forearm and heard the hurried breaths of a person standing next to me.

The last thing I heard was a racing of footsteps to my bedside, and then I fell unconscious. Again. This was getting tiring.

Conscious NightmaresWhere stories live. Discover now