Chapter 4

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Camila POV

The last thing I expected was the beautiful girl that approached us would be my beer pong partner. The girl I was completely head over heels. The girl I was thinking of finally ready to let go and move on. Lauren is that girl.

Lauren is here, out of all the places in the world she is at a college Kappa party. Looking even more beautiful than ever. She looks fucken hot in that beautiful tight black dress. There is no denying that she still has that effect on me. I'm not sure how long I been staring at her, or checking her out for that matter forgetting we were surrounded by a bunch of people, especially that guy I just met.

"Hey Camila" she gave me a small smile and hugged me very briefly. I didn't want her to let go. I wanted to savor this moment as much as I could. I cannot believe I was in her arms again, even if it was for a split second, my night got a lot more complicated I know that. I know that there is so much we need to say to each other. But right now was not the time so for the moment I was just happy to be around her. "Hi Lauren" I smiled back.

"Of course you would know her. So you ready to lose? Don't think well go easy" Aaron said as he walked to the other side of the table getting ready to start.

"I wasn't expecting you to" Lauren shot back and grabbed a ball and looked at me. "Do you mind if I start?"

"No no please go right ahead" I took a step back. So this is the girl Arron said was really good. I'm guessing she does this a lot now.

They both looked at each other straight in the eye as they tossed the ball trying to make it in. What do you know, this might be a long game considering they both make it. I hear a couple people cheering, not sure who they are cheering for.

"Your turn, aim for the middle" she smiled and handed me the ball.

"Thanks no pressure" her smile grew wider and something inside me felt warm. It was nice.

Arron's partner and I shot the ball, however mine made it while he missed. Lauren high-fived me cheering me on.

"Camila girl got game, I see" Arron said as he tossed over the balls to Lauren and I.

She shot her ball and made it, of course.

The game moved quickly, we were always winning by one cup. I know I'm not in my right mind but Lauren and I kept smiling at each other, but that could just be the winning. But we would rub each other's back for encouragement and small shoves.

It was the final cup, the wining cup. We were up first and she missed. I smiled at her as she handed me the ball, something about the way our finger tips brushed on each other made us look into our eyes. They say the eyes are the window to the soul and I could see her look right through me as I could to her. Something in her was like a spark. I cannot believe how tipsy I am right now. Especially this beer isn't helping either. And she probably is too, I can tell in her beautiful green eyes. They're different.

I made it which means we won, conditionally. They have a chance for redemption. Which of course they make it. That means who ever makes the next ball wins. I really wanted to win because something in me wanted to impress Lauren. Not to mention it would be cool to win against the guy because they seem really cocky about it.

It was Lauren's turn to make the winning shot. I hand her the ball and she smiled at me saying "Kiss me"

I looked at her with a bit of shock but I try to change my expression fast. Did I hear her right? She wanted me to...

"I think it would bring good luck if you kiss it" that's when I realize she was talking about the ball and I misunderstood, it was probably my wishful thinking that made me hear those thoughts. I gave her small smile and kissed the small ping pong ball she held out in her hand.

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