help me

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My life is ruined. The only thing I have left is now being taken from me.  I feel like I'm going to kill myself. This had been in my mother's head for a while. but I didn't actually think she was going to go through with it. Her perfect plan. What was her perfect plan to move to California. She just decided to move today. When I got back from school and she told me this I almost killed my self. I mean it's not school or friends. I don't have any friends and I don't care about school. It was the fact that we're moving to a city in California. I don't like people or traffic and I don't like going places either. like being in my room listening to music and reading books that's what I like nothing else. And I also loved winter in Denver. the best time ever. It was the  the perfect time. half the time you're snowed in and you got to sit by the fireplace and read books and wear sweaters and stay inside all day it was the perfect season. But when you live in California you don't get that perfect winter. It's hot sticky and  it  doesn't even rain over here the least it can do is rain.  I know for fact living in California is going to suck.

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