life of grim

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"hey, grim you' re late." Samuel said as he was checking in.

" I know, has the boss noticed ?"

"no death is still in his office.there a lot of souls begging"


I checked on and headed down the hall, passing one demoned cubic after another.

at the end of the hall was deaths office. there was a line of souls waiting at deaths door.

I was always jealous of deaths position in this business. he got to determine souls fate and an awesome door, I would die again for a bloody skulls fused to my door.

anyway, I cut in line all the way to the front.

the souls started to scream and moan in frustration.

"hey!who is the grim reaper here?" I replied.

the souls shouted up real quick.

"next!" the big skull of the door said.


"awesome carp.what do you want Grim?"

"just to talk to death."

big skull sighed in frustration. it eyes turned red and the door opened.

death office is much better than mine. in my office it nice and neat with clean furniture. deaths office walls are on fire, blood dripping from the ceiling and piles of bones in a corner.

why does he have to have all the cool stuff? oh yeah, he's the boss man.

"awe, grim. what do you want?" death greeted.

"I want to talk about a business offer."

he sighed in frustration and gestured me to sit on the burnt chair in front of his desk. he clapped his hands and the door slammed shut.


"ok!so as you know, you position in this business is to collect the souls on earth travel all the way back here and determine the souls fate: heaven or hell."

"I know speak faster."

"well the fact that you do all of this is great, but I can tell it is a frustration, uhh and Satan are always on your ads when the process is delayed. so I figured I would help you out."

death began to smile in satisfaction.

"I like where your going with this. what was you proposition?"

"my idea was to save you the trouble of all that traveling by getting the souls from earth and bringing them here for you. that way there is less delay and the wardens are not on you ass."

death sat there for a moment. he got up from his chair and headed to his cabinet. he got out a scythe that fitted in the palm of his hand and tossed it at me.

by the time I got it, the scythe was taller than I was.

"congrats grin another, you are now the grim reaper. the scythe will lead the way, all you need to do is make the portal. you can do that right?"

"yeah, I can do that"

he grind.

"now get out."

a portal opened up on the ceiling and sucked me in. I ended up in my office and the portal on the ceiling closed.

"so you got the job. good job. grim sniter"

"thanks and death changed my name to grim reaper."

death messaged me that I'm now your assistant. I will be sending the souls you get to deaths office."

"well then, let's get started."

"can you open a portal?"


I got my scythe and opened up a portal. as usual, it sucked me in.

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