Chapter two

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Akio's POV
I woke up with a bad head ache i saw Izuru asleep i smiled and said"He-Hey Izuru"He woke up when he heard my voice he smiled for the first time and hugged me i hugged back happily he then said"Ill take you out today"I smiled at how kind he is i nodded i looked down and i was wearing the school uniform with the jumper and blazer i jumped out of the bed my head hurts like hell i held my head and whimpered he touched my head and it became better i smiled and he took me to the beach i was wearing a blue and green bikini top and shorts with no shoes Izuru was wearing black swimming trunks i smiled and he looked happy for once me and Izuru ran down the beach but when we saw TeruTeru there i was shaking in fear i backed up Izuru saw TeruTeru and he said"Its okay principle Monokuma sorted him out and Souda if they go near you they will have to say nice things"I nodded and smiled TeruTeru was coming towards us i hid behind Izuru hugging his back scared TeruTeru said"Hey Izuru you wanna hang out"Izuru looked at TeruTeru and said"No"i somehow ended up being at the car park i walked and i saw TeruTeru he smiled at me a pervy one i got scared so i started to running to Izuru i said"TeruTeru smiled at me a really scary one"Izuru said nothing then he grabbed my hand and dragged me to TeruTeru Izuru said" what do you do to Akio"TeruTeru smirked and said"I didn't do anything i only smiled"I backed up and Izuru said"Leave her be"Izuru then dragged me off again he had no emotion in his face like always i sighed and Izuru said"If he does anything to you tell me"i nodded and smiled we both went back to school and we both went to our room and i fell asleep
Izuru's POV
I have to tell her but she wont love me anymore i have to tell her who i was before this id i don't my heart will shatter when she says we wont keep secrets from each other i sighed and i heard a knock i opened it and i saw Ibuki she looked pissed off she then kicked me in the leg but i grabbed her leg i said"Why are you angry"she then said angrily"Well i heard that your cheating on Nagito"i sighed and i said"No i'm not i was never going out with him so you tell Him to stop making lies"Ibuki looked like she was going to kill me so she said"I think you should stop going out with that girl"She left while laughing i shut the door and locked it i put on a black pj pants and i went straight into room and fell asleep on the bed
Sorry it was little i have things going on like moving house,School,People pissing me off anyways i hope you like dis book

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