Now You See Me, Now you Don't

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Chapter 1




And do not look back

What did they even want from me?

            I’m guessing that you’ve never been in a mall one moment looking at shoes with your BFF and then the next being chased down by some random dude in a black leather jacket of about six feet tall wearing dark shades that don’t even let you see his eyes.

            Well for starters, it’s scary, creepy, weird, slightly amusing, but at the same time a very serious situation.

            Before I get ahead of myself let me introduce who I am. I’m Catharine Marcel, but everyone has always called me Cat. I’m 15, my eyes are hazel-ish green, my hair is light brown, I’m about five foot five, and most of all I’m a spy.

            Yeah, you read right Spy. Spelled S-P-Y. The act of spying, to spy, to be a spy, the whole package. And it all started with being chased down by a person who I at first thought was a total pedophile. 

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