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I shrugged, deciding to carry the sketchbook with me. Maybe I could look at it later.

I walked to the shrine and opened the door without even knocking.


.... silence filled the shrine with not a soul in sight.

"Hellooooooo?" I walked in and looked around.

"(Y/N)!" The wall all of a sudden has a big hole smashed through it with Tori standing there.

"Tomoe is not gonna like that." I say.


"WHAT DO YOU MEAN?! CALM DOWN WOMAN. Are they somewhere else? Maybe a location in the second season?" I ask.

Tori throws her hands in the air, "NO, I MEAN. THEY'RE GONE. FROM THE DIMENSION ENTIRELY."

"How is that even possible?" I raised an eyebrow.

"I DON'T KNOW BUT YOU NEED TO GO HOME." She points to me.

"HOME?! BUT. I JUST GOT HERE!" I protest.



"NO BUTS- is that Vic's sketchbook?" she suddenly notices the book in my hands.

"Huh? Oh, yeah, I think he dropped it."

A sudden evil smile came upon her face, driving a shiver up my spine, "I don't like that face." I whisper.

"You can return it to him later. For now BACK HOME YOU GO." She didn't take the ring of keys from her belt loop. She pulled what looked like a house key from under her shirt, tied on a thin piece of rope.

Just like last time, she raised the key high in the air then stabbed it into the ground.

"You'v got to be kidding m- AAAAHHHHH!!" I fell through the ground into a tunnel. My stomach was doing flips, I felt like I was moving at the speed of light and then... Hard tile.



I look around. I was in my school hallway, right in front of my classroom for first period. But how did she... At this point I won't even question logic, I even got here on time!

I got up and stuffed the sketchbook in my backpack and walked into the classroom.

"MISS (L/N)!"

A shiver ran up my spine. I looked at the clock on the wall... I wasn't even close to being on time.

"I assume you have a note?" The teacher tapped her foot.

"Uhm..... No... Sorry."


"Understood." I slouched in my seat

It drug on and on, even though there was only half a class left. I was trying to pay attention because, this is my future after all. But as I'm taking notes I notice someone trying to get my attention from outside.


"MISS (L/N)!"

"SORRY. UHHH. BATHROOM." I ran out of the classroom, down the hall, to the front door only to realize.. it's locked. (I don't know if they do this at every school. But at my school the doors lock when school starts and when class is going on.)

"Great." I mutter.

Time for the secret exit!

I ran back to the hallway and opened the window then jumped out. Luckily 1st period was on the 1st floor.

I ran along the edge of school looking and that's when I saw.

"OHMIGOSHCROWINEVERTHOUGHTIDBEHAPPYTOSEEYOU." I glomped the familiar dark eyed superstar.

"Aw, miss me that much?" He says with smirk.

"Don't read into it." I say bluntly, releasing him from my grasp, "But how are you even here?!"

Kurama scratched his head, "To be honest, I don't even know myself. One moment I'm at the shrine and the next I'm in someone's living room."

"What?" I deadpanned.

"Yeah they weren't too happy." He says, rubbing the now noticeable bump on his head.

"I'm gonna roll the dice and say a broom."

"Close. A mop."

"That's original."

So I found one of them, but how did they get here?

"Do you know where the others are?" I ask.

"Heck if I knew."

I facepalmed.

"I am going to be in so much trouble with this school... Come on." I say.

"Where are we going?" Kurama asks, following me.

"My place. Don't plan on sleeping in the streets do ya?"

"A fabulous star like me? It's unheard of!" Aaaannnd cue the drama.

"I got news for you crow. This is my world and in my world, you aren't famous in at least 3/4 of the world."

You'd think I'd just told him I ran over his dog.

We make it to my house and I sneak him into the backyard.

"There." I point to the shed, "we turned it into a guest house, don't make a mess of it."

Great, now I have an anime character living in my backyard guest house. The problem is, how do I contact Tori about it? She's the dimensions expert.

I ran a hand through my hair and took a deep breath. I need a break. I pulled out the sketchbook from my backpack and lay in the hammock on our back porch, then began to flip through the pages. Lots of scenery, some animals, then I cam across drawings of people. There was Tori, Vlad, others that I didn't know. Then there was... Me? I did a double take. Yup, definitely me, in anime form that is. But when the heck did he do this? No date.

The sketch book was suddenly pulled from my grasp, "CROW!" I yell.

"Guess again."

I blinked, what I thought was the crow was actually Victor.

"Wha- But I thought you couldn't come here!" I say.

He raised an eyebrow at me, "What are you talking about? I'm here all the time."

I looked around. I was in some garden behind some giant mansion.

"Did Tori send you here?" Vic pulls me out of my train of thought.

"What- no. How did I get here?! I was just at my house!"

"That's what I'm wondering."

"And why do have a drawing of me in your sketchbook?"

His face turned scarlet and he turned away from me, "U-uh... N-no reason! I-I just... ran out of things to draw." He made up an excuse.

I couldn't help it, I burst out laughing, causing him to turn darker than his hair, "H-hey! D-don't laugh! w-w-what's so f-funny?!"

I took a deep breath and wiped the tears from my eyes before looking at him, "You know." I say, "You're pretty cute."

Steam was pouring out of his ears at this point, making me burst out laughing again.


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2016 ⏰

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