Part 6-Vernon

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     Vernon stood behind his army and watched as they fought tooth and nail against the villainous Wacks. 'Now, where is that Ratburn...' he thought to himself as he scanned the crowd.

    "Looking for me?" a voice called out behind him. He turned, and came face to face with his arch nemesis, Mr. Ratburn.

    'How did he-'

    "Oh dear," Mr. Ratburn said, feigning concern. "Are you surprised? I tiptoed behind you without you even noticing!" The massive rat laughed. "You know,'ve never been very smart!"

    "You-you shut up!" Vernon said, becoming angry.

    "You grew up to be a fool," Ratburn said, trying to provoke the human boy before him. Ratburn smirked. "You know, your mother would be ashamed if she saw you now."

    "Why you-" Vernon shouted as the rushed forward with his sword in the air, ready to strike.

    Mr. Ratburn laughed as the human approached him, and at the last second, turned and whipped Vernon across the stomach with his tail.

    Vernon gasped as he flew through the air and smashed into the sewer wall behind him. 'C-Can't breathe!' Vernon thought in a panic as the air was knocked out of his lungs.

    "You fool!" Mr. Ratburn laughed as Vernon struggled to get to his feet. "Did you really think you could ever beat the Wacks?!"

    Mr. Ratburn snickered, and rushed forward. He kicked Vernon onto his back, and began kicking and punching the boy below him as he laughed manically. "You fool!" he laughed, hitting Vernon as hard as he could. "You idiot! I'm going to destroy you! I'm going to take over your Mac colony and destroy them! I'm going to take over the entire sewer system, and the Macs are only the first of many colonies I will conquer!!"

    As Mr. Ratburn laughed and hit him, Vernon's mind began to tune out the sounds around him. His mind sifted through his memories, and he recalled all sorts of experiences growing up with the Macs. He remembered his childhood friends and the Macs who had welcomed him into their community with open arms. He remembered Alfonzo, and how the Macs had elected him as leader with so much confidence. He remembered how he had met you just this morning, and how beautiful you looked when you smiled. But most of all, he remembered how the Wacks had hurt his mother, and he remembered the pain and overwhelming grief he had felt when he discovered her body. All these memories flowed together as his mind sifted through various life experiences. However, there was one memory that struck him the most-and it was only from a few moments ago. He remembered sending you off with Alfonzo, and he remembered promising that he would see you soon. 'I told her we would win...' he thought to himself as his mind began to regain clarity. 'I told her that I would see her again soon...'

    "Oh, come on, don't just lay there!" Mr. Ratburn laughed. "This would be a lot funner if you would scream out in pain!"

    As Vernon regained his senses, the sounds around him began to reach his ears once again. His vision cleared, and he noticed a giant rodent fist aiming for his face. Overwhelmed with anger, Vernon caught the fist with one hand. "W-What?" Mr. Ratburn gasped. "How did you-"

    Before Mr. Ratburn could make sense of the situation, Vernon twisted the Wack's arm to the left. As Ratburn screamed out in pain and backed away, Vernon rolled out from underneath him and picked up his sword. Before Ratburn could even think, Vernon swung his sword up towards the rat's exposed neck.

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