"It's My End"

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"It's my End"

As the words flew from my mouth, I regretted them entirely..

I didn't want to go, But I knew I was no good for Blake. No matter what he said. I shouldn't be here. I was already pissed at Blake's dad still, but only because I understood what his dad did. I'm in that same damn disgusting situation.

But I wouldn't tell him that. Ever.

I never wanted to hurt him, ever.. But I knew I would, that's why I tried to not get attached to anyone here. I knew it would be trouble.. But I liked his kind of trouble..

I love him, but I don't know if he loves me.. I'm too much trouble. I believe he's right.

I saw his last comment on his story.. It tore my heart into two. "I thought you said you loved me...

... Or was that a lie.." Tears pricked my eyes, threating to spill. I let them, nothing holding them back.

I love him.. Why doesn't he see..?!

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