Chapter 41

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* 3 years later*

Its been three years since I've been kidnapped, since then things have changed. about two weeks after the boys saved me....I caught Roc cheating on me


"Roc help me get the kids ready, please" I yelled from the kids room, Since I've been back Roc has been distant, we rarely kiss, he insists on sleeping on the couch, and is always at his sisters house.

Soon Roc walked into the room not saying a word to me, he began dressing them. I walked towards his to give him a kiss but he turned his head causing me to kiss his cheek, my lips lingered on his skin for a while before pulling away and frowning my brows in confusion, he turned and picked up prince and walked out the room towards the front door, i walked out the door with both my kids in my arms putting them in the car.

I got into my car and look at the front door of my house to see Roc reach into his pocket and take is phone out of his pocket and dial a number walking into the house

*30 minutes later*

I got to Ronnie's house 10 minutes ago but him and prodigy suggested I stay for dinner.

I was on my way home and soon pulled up to see another car parked in-front of the house,

"what?" I questioned quietly to myself walking towards the front door. I opened the door to expect Roc sitting on the couch playing 2k like always but no, there was no sign of Roc anywhere downstairs.

I made my way upstairs, but soon came to a stop hearing a girl moaning. i walked towards the noise as it got louder, it was coming from me and Roc's bedroom. I opened the door loudly seeing some chick on top of Roc, they stooped and looked at me, I just shook my head and walked out

* Flashback over*

I went back I that night while he was sleep and packed my stuff. Ronnie and prodigy made a decision to keep the kids. I live in Milwaukee, Wisconsin now, nothing special, I have a whole new life.

I cut my hair shoulder length and dyed my hair electric blue, new friends. O have a well paying job at a salon, my friends here don't know about my past life or my kids cause they don't need to be pulled into my past.

16 and pregnant *EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now