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I hate planes. I really do, but I've gotten used to them. Waking up at 3:00 in the morning? I'll never get used to that.

"Sage get up!" My mother screamed as she shook my shoulders.

"No", I muttered and pulled the covers back on me.

"Sage Michael Carter!" Oh no. She used my full name. I quickly pushed the covers off me and smiled at her before quickly getting ready.  I was downstairs, expecting breakfast but instead got two parents who practically pushed me out the door. I, of course slept the whole way to the airport, and was rudely awoken by water being thrown in my face.

"What the hell!" I shouted.

"Watch you language, boy", my mom growled and I quickly apologized before grabbing my luggage, and frowning as I realized it was raining. What an amazing day this has been. Not. I ran as fast as I could into the airport, but of corse I still got wet. I'm so lucky, aren't I? I'll answer that for you, I'm not. Not at all. We went through all the security stuff, and our plane was only a few minutes away from boarding by the time we got done. Then I heard a very familiar girly screech, and looked over to see Cassie, Quinn and Jacob walking toward me.

"What are you guys doing here?" I asked and stood up as Cassie tackled me in a hug.

"We just couldn't leave you like that, stud", Quinn laughed and joined in our hug, as did Jacob, surprisingly. I heard them say our plane was now boarding, and they all let go of me. I was already crying.

"Bye", I croaked and kissed Cassie on the cheek, which had tears streaming down them. Quinn was crying almost as much and I hugged her.

"Bye, Sage", Jacob said and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Bye", I told him, when I felt tears on my shirt. He was crying.

"Sorry", he laughed, "I'll miss you, stud", he grinned, stealing Quinn's line.

"I'm suppose to say that!" She laughed and Jacob shrugged.

"Come on Sage, we need to go", my mom told me with a sad smile.

"Bye guys. Call you when I get off", I smiled as they all hugged me one last time, except for Jacob. He did hug me, but he also kissed me. Right on the lips which had Quinn squealing.

"Uh, what was that for?" I asked and laughed.

"Revenge", he whispered and I laughed when I realized what he was talking about. I may have kissed him within the first 5 minutes I knew him.

"Bye guys, for real now."

"SAAAAGE!" Cassie whined as I got ready to get on the plane. I'll miss those dorks. I waved one last time before turning away and getting on the plane. I also fell asleep the whole time we were on the plane.
"Wake up, boy!" My mother screamed and slapped me right on top of the head.

"Um, ow!" I exclaimed and rubbed my head.

"Oh, shush. Get up, we're getting off", she told me and I jumped up and grabbed my luggage from above my head. I nodded at the pilot and ran after my mom and dad.

"There you are, Sage", my dad smiled as I stopped running to walk beside them.

"Yep. Here I am", I mumbled and he laughed.

"I hope you got enough sleep, because we have a lot of unpacking to do", my mom informed me, and I groaned.

"I hate moving", I frowned and my mom looked over at me.

"Fine, you don't have to help unpack since you have school tomorrow."

"SAY WHAT NOW?" I exclaimed and a lot of people in the airport looked over at us.

"It will be Monday, after all. Why shouldn't you go?" My mom asked.

"Because!" I said back and she gave me a look that said: "I have won so just give up", so I did just give up. My mom was not a woman you wanted to challenge. I just followed them out of the airport, and in the car and on the way to our new home. My new hell.

"No. No freaking way", I said when as soon as I got to my new house, my mom expected me to unpack all my clothes and everything off mine.

"Fine. You are tomorrow after school so don't be fooling around", she growled, "now go to sleep."

"Yes ma'am", I grunted and went to my room. As soon as I hit the bed, I fell asleep.

The next morning I slept in. Not a lot, but enough to have me running around like a chicken with its head cut off.

"Bye, Sage! Have a good day", my mother grinned as she handed me my lunchbox and kissed me on the cheek.

"Bye", I mumbled as I ran out the door, just in time to catch the bus. Ew. The bus. I sat at the very back where nobody was and enjoyed the quiet ride. Once I got to school though? It wasn't so quiet. People are so stupid.

"Hey, Sage. Sage? What kind of a name is that", the guy laughed. I ignored him, but he kept talking.

"Seriously, Sage is a girls name. What are you a girl?"

"I'm obviously not a girl", I muttered and he laughed.

"Are you gay? You must be if you have a name like Sage." He laughed, and his friends laughed after him. I rolled my eyes and got up out of my desk, and just moved somewhere else. Luckily they didn't follow me. But I had to deal with this girl named Natalie. She had blonde hair, and I dare say she was curvier than Cassie.

"So, like, are you like, single or like..?" She twirled her hair around her finger as she talked to me. I swear, if she said like one more time I would slap her.

"Yes", I muttered and she gasped.

"Really? That's like, so like crazy. Since your like, so like cute and stuff", she giggled and I rolled my eyes. I seriously wanted to slap her.

"Yeah, sure", I mumbled.

"So, do you like want to like, I don't know, like go out like on like a date or like no?" I really don't know why she need to use like so much.

"Nope", I said clearly and she frowned.

"No? But, like, why? Aren't I like, hot?" She asked and winked.

"I'm gay", I stated and she gasped again.

"No way! You can't be, like, no. Your like way to like hot to be gay. So like, just tell me why you don't like, like me!" Natalie exclaimed and I groaned.

"I. Am. Gay", I told her again and moved somewhere else in the classroom. Luckily nobody bothered me there. After school, I wasn't looking forward to unpacking. Or homework. I decided to walk home, because the bus is stupid. As I was walking, I saw an old shady looking house. Perfect. I grinned as I headed toward it, it looked like a nice and quiet place to relax for a few minutes. I opened the old squeaky door, and froze. What. There was a sleeping white tiger in the corner. Of course, a freaking tiger that could eat me alive is in here. I stepped back, and the floorboards squeaked. The tiger woke up. I ran. Or atleast I tried to, but then I heard someone shout. "Wait! Please don't go!"

I quickly turned around, and saw a guy on the floor. He had white hair and purple ish blue eyes. He had two black stripes on his face, and a collar around his neck. He was also lacking clothes.

"Wha- who- what?" I stuttered.

"I'm sorry I scared you", he whispered.

"Where did the tiger go?" I asked and he looked up at me.

"Tiger? Oh, that's me."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2016 ⏰

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