Chapter 24

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(Your P.O.V)

The hate from Simon's fangirls has been horrible. They have been calling me rude things and one even threw a rock at our window. How the hell do they know where we live?

I'm paranoid to leave the house and every time Simon leaves I'm in tears. Its terrifying.

What am I supposed to do? I know the hate will die down eventually but it doesn't make it any better.

I have still been getting out videos and Simon has too but its kinda hard if you find a fangirl screaming at you from the front yard every few hours.

I just want things to go back to normal. Simon snuggling me and watching him edit.

I'm currently curled up crying in the corner because a group of 27 fangirls around the age of 16 are knocking on the door really hard.

Non of the boys are home so I'm left to have my panic attack alone.

Its getting really bad. Its been an hour and they haven't left. I can't breath.

I finally hear the car pull Up and all of them leave.

I then hear someone running up the stairs and Simon rushes in and wraps his arms around me.

"Its ok love" He whispers into my ear as he rubs the back of my head gently.

"Do you want to make a video?" He asks, I nod. "Maybe it will calm down if we make a video" I say as he leads me to sit on the bed.

He hits record and starts talking.

"Ok guys, you know I love you but this needs to stop. We have put out multiple tweets and it hasn't stopped" He says seriously.

"Just today a group of you were knocking at the door and didn't have good intentions. You might be angry that I have found someone but Y/N is the love of my life and that won't change anytime soon" He says as he holds my hand gently.

"Ok that's all we needed to ask so, see ya" He says doing his signature outro and turns off the camera.

"I hope that will calm it down" He says as he hugs me.



Sorry this took so long but I just started working on a Joe sugg fanfic if you wanna check it put. I published it on my birthday, like five minutes before 12am lol it almost wasn't a birthday publish.

Also! School starts tomorrow so fml.

Byeeeeeee ;))))))))))

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