Hello Hell

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"Your kidding! But I just started making friends!" I exclaimed but my mom turned her back on me.

"You'll make other friends. Now start packing."

"No I won't! Whatever", I mumbled and ran up to my room.

Hi, my name is Sage Carter. I'm 17, and I constantly move. My dads job needs him to work all over the place, so I have no choice but to move along with him. I usually have no friends, since I don't see a point in making them if I just move after a month, but I actually made three friends at my current school. There names are Quinn, Jacob, and Cassie. Quinn is like my matchmaker. Always trying to find hot guys for me. Oh, did I mention I'm gay? I did now. Anyways, she's tried to get me and Jacob together, it didn't work at all. Most likely because he's straight as a ruler, and I on the other hand am about as straight as an onion ring. Jacob is also way out of my league, with his golden hair and bright blue eyes that could turn lesbians straight and straights gay. He doesn't talk much, but when he does he's charming as fuck. No wonder every girl in the world comes running to him. Cassie is my fashion consultant, she's always telling me I'm to pale for my own good, but she looks like a piece of fried chicken. I guess that's what guys like since they always follow her around. I mean, she does have curves to knock someone out, but her face is pretty average, and she has straight black hair so long I started to call her "emo rapunzel." Her eyes are hazel or light brown depending on the weather. Quinn had short hair that goes to her collar bones, in the gorgeous shade of neon green to match her eyes. I'm pretty boring compared to them. I'm pale as fuck with messy auburn hair and dark green eyes. I'm also short, 5,6. Today is my last day of school here, which I'm not very happy about. As soon as I walk into school, I'm almost knocked over by Cassie hugging me, pulling my head In her huge breast which almost suffocated me.

"Let him go!" I heard Quinn shriek and Cassie let me go with tears welling up in her eyes.

"Oh Sage! Why do you have to leave me?" She cried and broke  down in the middle of the hallway. I just wrapped my arms around her as she cried on my shoulder. She always has been a dramatic person. I let go of her and my eyes meet ice blue ones.

"Hi",'Jacob simply said and I nodded.

"Hi", I said back when Quinn appears from behind him.

"Let's skip school today! Come on, we need to since this is the  last day we will be seeing you, Sage."

"Don't remind me!" Cassie exclaimed and threw herself into my arms as she started crying again.

"Ok, but are you guys sure you can skip?" I asked.

"Yes! Of course Sage!" Quinn screamed and grabbed my arm, leading me out the doors as if there weren't about 20 kids staring at us. Jacob and Cassie follow us, and we all pile up in Quinn's little bright blue car.

"Now where to?" Quinn asked and turned around to look at me and Cassie who are squashed together in the back seat.

"I thought you had that planned", I told her and she laughed awkwardly.

"Yeah, I don't. I actually just thought about the whole skipping thing about 10 minutes ago."

I sighed and shook my head out of amusement.

"I'm sorry!" Quinn huffed and Jacob also turned to look at me.

"I have an idea", he spoke in his deep and husky voice.

"What is it?" Me and Quinn asked at the same time.

"It's just an idea, but we could go shopping to get Sage some new clothes for his new school."

"OH WHAT AM AMAZING IDEA!" Cassie squealed, scaring the bejeezus out of me.

"Guys, I look like crap no matter what I'm wearing so there's no po-"

"Let's go!" Quinn interrupted as she drove off. I groaned and laid my head back.


"Get. Those. Thing. Away. From. Me", I said carefully as Cassie held up colorful jeans that looked very, very, tight.

"But why? There so cute, Sage!" She exclaimed and moved closer to me holding the horrible things that look like a unicorn threw up on them.

"No there not!" I shouted and moved away from her, trying to find one of my other friends who had found something less, less gay and, I don't know, something less BOOM!, color. I saw Quinn's neon green hair and headed her way.

"Oh, hey Sage! I thought Cassie found something for you?"

"She did, and it was horrible", I told Quinn and looked at her arm full of clothes. "What do you have there?" I asked and pointed at her arm.

"Amazingly cute things that you need to try on right to the now", she told me with a huge smile on her face.

"Uh, ok", I muttered and she pushed me into a changing room and put all the clothes in my arms, "now get together an outfit, and I'll go find Jacob and Cassie. Be right back", Quinn grinned and ran off.  

I shrugged and closed the changing room door as I laid the clothes on the little bench inside the room.

"Let's see what we got here", I mumbled and pulled out a black and white striped shirt. Not bad. Next thing I grabbed was black skinny jeans with rips. Ok, so far so good. I found a nice black jacket to go with it, and just kept on my black converse. I may like the color black, you have no proof. I groaned when I heard Cassie squealing about something right outside my door.

"Come on out when you're ready, ya stud!" Quinn yelled and I sighed and slowly opened the door.

"AHHH MY BABY!" Cassie yelled so loud the whole store looked at us as she tackled me in a hug. Quinn laughed and pulled her away.

"Let me get a good look at my creation", she grinned as she grabbed my shoulders, "yep, he's a hottie."

"Whatever", I laughed and rolled my eyes.

"You look nice", Jacob smiled.

"Really, thanks guys, but I'm sure your just saying that", I told them and the all shook there head.

"You really do look good", Jacob told me with a wink. Charming bastard.

"Well, thanks then", I muttered and scratched the back of my neck. The rest of the day was filled with shopping and trying on clothes, until the day was over.

"Bye!" I told my friends as I got out of the car. Cassie was a crying mess, and Quinn also had tears in her eyes but Jacob was as cool as ever, "this isn't the last of me", I laughed and they all laughed to as I waved and walked into my house. I closed the door and looked up to find my dad looking at me. Oh right, o had kept I am outfit I had bought. It was a navy blue shirt with a pocket and black jeans with a light blue sweater over it.

"Hi dad", I muttered.

"Hello Sage. Nice outfit you got there, did you skip school to get it?"

"Maybe", I laughed and he laughed right along with me, then saw the bags I was holding.

"Did you go with your friends?" He questioned.

"Yep", I answered and looked behind him to see my moms smiling face.

"You look so nice darling!" She exclaimed and hugged me tightly. I laughed and hugged her back. I knew I would miss my friends a lot, but today was a nice way to end my life here. Good bye heaven, hello hell.

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