CHAPTER 3: History

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Chapter 3

 Sehun's POV

I am standing on what seems like a carpet of clouds wearing a snowy colored clothing.

A familiar man dressed in white too appears.

My hands were clasp in golden chains.

"You made a terrible sin," the man announces.

" I did not meant to do such thing. Forgive me father for I have sinned," I replied. I bow my head in shame as I weep.

"In order to pay for your sin, you must be punished," he states with power in his voice.

"Please, Please, forgive me for I am such a fool. I did not mean to. Please!" I beg while I kneel.

"My son, it does not work that way.You are therefore banished from here and suffer the life of a mortal for you are a shame in this world," the man answers.

I did something past the rules that it made his aura angry.

But I do not remember.

It is so blurry.

"May you learn a lesson," he says.

Then he cuts off my majestic wings.

And banished me to a deep black portal leading me to an unknown path to a dark mysterious universe...

This was my dream every single night.

It haunts me to the bones.

I never knew what it means.

I am an orphan.

I do not know my real mother nor my father.

I do not know where I came from or where I was born.

I am so confused on what my dream means.

Was the man my true father?

What's with my sin?

Did I do something terribly wrong?

What's with the wings?

These were the questions that still lingers in my mind.

My step parents said that they found me on the street unconscious and had a very high fever and that I had an amnesia because I never knew my real name, my parents nor my birthdate and address.

My life story is so confusing and unanswered.

What makes me more uncomfortable is that there are two big long scars at my upper back.

Like it's been cutted or wounded or something grew on my back but got cut.

It still hurts until now.

I do not know where I got these enormous scars.


Her name never left my mind.

It made me restless the whole night.

It kept on echoing in my head.




What a pretty name.

I want to know more about her.

About her story, about her life, so I decide to go to the grocery store again and maybe we could meet again...maybe...just maybe...




(EXO) FallenNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ