Chapter 10

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There was a eerie silence surrounding the group. Al was staring at Ed, and Ed was staring at Char. Char had clenched her hands, avoiding his gaze. Fenrir was sitting patiently, hoping someone would apologise to him.

"You're my..twin?" Ed murmured. Char nodded.

"Or that's what my memories tell me. I dont know if it's true or not. I havent had any memories of me younger than five return yet, or older than nine."

"I thought you lost your memories at nine?" Al said, trying to direct the conversation to an easier subject.

"No, just four years ago. Turns out I was eleven when I lost my memories."

"Wait, this doesnt make sense. I remember vague memories from when I was five, and I dont remember you at all. And Dad was definately at home when I was five. He left a few days after Al's fourth birthday..." Ed trailed off, a memory surfacing of a little girl with golden hair and eyes, looking back sadly at Ed before the door shut behind her.

Char watched him carefully as he punched the seat, rubbing his head with the other hand. "This is stupid! There's no way..but I mean...It's just not..." Finally he trailed off. Al looked at him.

"Brother, is it true?" he asked eventually. Ed looked at him, then at Char, before looking at the floor and nodding.

"Yeah..I remember her now. I guess I just shut you out and forgot about you," he said. Another thought came to Char.

"Oh yeah, and my name's not Charleen. It's Charlya."

"Great, so you dont even have the same name now? Brilliant, just brilliant," Ed muttered. He sighed and turned so his back was facing them, and closed his eyes. "I'm going back to sleep. Dont bother waking me till we get there," he said. A few minutes later he was asleep. Char watched him for a moment then sat back, gently strocking Fenrir.


Ed was lying on the grass in the sunshine, Al beside him and Char on his other side, her pinky around his. "Ed, Al, Char, dinner time!" their mum called from the house, and the three of them leapt up. They raced back to the house, sliding into their places just as the food was put down.

When they had finished eating, she brought out a birthday cake. "Happy fourth birthday, Alphonse!" they all cheered together, their mum cutting four slices and giving three to them before eating the last herself. As they were finishing, the door opened and their dad looked in. Their mum smiled.

"Do you want some cake, darling?" she asked. Their dad looked at her, his eyes softening slightly.

"Maybe later. I need to speak with Char for a moment," he said. Char looked confused but jumped out of her seat, following him out of the room. Ed watched her go with a feeling of growing anticipation. Their mum didnt seem to notice and simply cut another slice of cake for their dad.

A few days later, Ed was woken up by Al tugging his sleeve. "Brother, I need the bathroom," he whispered.

"Okay, I'm coming," he murmured, standing up and following Al out. He stood outside the door as Al went to the toilet, then the two of them began to pad back to their room before hearing noises at the door. They went to the hall, watching with surprise as their dad pulled on a coat.

"How long will you be?" their mum asked. Their dad shook his head.

"I'm not sure. I'm sorry for having to take Charlya with me, but.." Their mum nodded.

"I understand. As long as your happy with it," she said, directing the last sentence at Char who stood by his side. She nodded then blinked, turning to look at Ed and Al. Their mum followed her gaze and looked surprise.

Sister of the Fullmetal Alchemist *FMA Brotherhood Fanfic* {Completed!}Where stories live. Discover now