Chapter 2

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The next morning ,clock buzzed at 5:am it was time for Dianerste to get ready for school.

Dianerste ran her water to bath. By 5:40am Dianerste got dress for school. Done her hair, an fix her some pancake to eat. At 6 it was time for her to catch the bus.

Dianerste kissed her mom an dad on her way out to school.
"Mwah, I cooked yall some breakfast, it on the stove ",She told her mother an father.
"Oh thank you, they both said.

"Bye im gone,she yelled while walking out the door.
Dianerste walk out the door an lock it.
Walking down the street to catch the bus.
Ten minutes pass, the bus was running late.
Finally the bus arrived to pick up Dianerste.
Dianerste got in, as her eyes searched around . Looking for Somer,but it seem she was on the bus. Dianerste set down,as her bus arrived to school

Dianerste got off the bus, head the restroom. To search for Somer,that normally where she be in the morning. As she walk out the bathroom. Dianerste she Somer with a new group of girls,who were pell in the face like her.

Hey Somer! Can I talk to you for a mintue? Disnerste waved her hand as she asked.

Are you talking to me? Somer asked ,No you cant while walking away.

Why you gotta be a bitch?Dianerste yelled

Im being the same bitch you were last night, Somer yelled back.

We are no longer friends anymore, so stop calling my name,Somer order as she smile an walk to her class.

Dianerste were speechless, how Somer act with her in front of the whole school.

Dianerste walk to class, pass by Somer an move her desk from the middle of the class. To the front corner, as she pass her book on her desk.

Dianerste used to set by Somer ever morning cause they were great friends.
Miss Peaches walk in to the class,say
"Good Morning everyone"!
"Good Morning Miss Peaches",as the whole class spoken back. Excepted Dianerste,Miss Peached notice Dianerste eyes was filled with tears.

"Hey Miss Dianerste,can I see you out in the hall way for a minute",she spoke .
Before heading out to speak with Dianerste.
Miss Peaches passed out daily work sheet for everyone to a lil quiz.
Then walk out in the hall way,an Dianerste follower.

"Is everything okay,"Peached ask Dianerste.
"No, Somer an I no longer are friends",Dianerste spoken.
"Why", Miss Peached asked.
Somer stood up,to read Somer mouth ,to see if she would tell her sercet out.
"We had a big fight at my house the other bout something, an I oder her to get out, now when I try to tell her im sorry. She make look stupid in front of everyone,stating we are no longer friends."That hurt, friends for 9 years its crazy Dianerste said.

"Wow,thats a long time.Well do u want me to help solve yall promble?,Peached ask.
"Nooooo,im good!"Dianerste said fast in a loud voice.
"Okay",peached said.
"Well thank for talking to me,i feel better,Dianerste said.
Your welcome,peached said.
Then walked back into the class.
Dianerste grab her backpack,to walk out the class. The bell ring just in time,Dianerste walk home from school. Somer when to her other class,looking Dianerste but she wasnt there. Somer try to leave school,but her teacher told her no set.
No set down Somer,Miss Aljean order.
In she did just that, Dianerste walked over to Ric house. To see what he was doing, knock knock knock. As Dianerste knocked on the door.

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