jungkook • blinding

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jungkook • blinding

"Hey, (Name)," Jungkook murmurs. "Do you know what you and the sun have in common?"

Not wanting to get up from your comfy position on the couch, you stare at your boyfriend lounging on the soft carpet, his phone in hand. "Is this another joke again? Because if it is..."

"No, it's not! Hear me out, okay?"

You sigh, deciding to oblige him yet again as you shake your head skeptically. "Go on, then. What do I have in common with the sun?"

"You both burn my retinas when I look directly at you!"

You deadpan. "Jungkook, I'm leaving."

"Nonono—I was kidding about that! I meant that you're really hot, just like the sun. And... you're the light of my life," he says, staring unabashedly at you as he grins widely. He can't seem to tear his gaze away and he drinks you in, unable to get enough of you.

"Thanks, Kookie," you murmur, a smile tugging at your lips. "But I'll roast you like the sun if you try that kind of insult-compliment again."


A/N: new bangtan boys x reader imagine thingy, yay! this is my first time ever writing a kpop x reader fic, so please let me know what you think! apologies if jungkook is ooc - i still find it strange to write x readers for real people, but maybe that will change...

also y'all should stan NU'EST bc they deserve the world twice over and they are super underrated ((just sayin'))

thanks for reading! hmu w a comment to let me know your thoughts, and add this to your reading list if you want notifications whenever i update! <3

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