
54 4 10

I just wanted to get this off my chest

If you have read any smut book ever then you'd know that the smuts are relatively short.
Like all it is is just
Smut warning
He trusted into me as I moaned loudly, I screamed as I reached my high, soon enough ( insert guy name here) came into me as we both panted after that amazing experience.
Smut's done
Two lines... Two. Fucking. Lines. I mean cum on people (Lenny face) at least add some fucking detail, agreed most smuts are longer than two lines but that's not the point, the point is that most of the chapter is filler and then you get a tiny little section at the bottom that is the actual smut. If I was in a relationship with a guy who lasted as long as some of these smuts do I would fucking dump him on the spot (well really it depends on how nice he is) .

Also I'm not seeing any girl on girl action, there are some lesbians out there girls or did you forget while dribbling over senpi.

I can calm down now thanks for reading my complaining

Edit: ALSO why is there never any good Smuts on things that I like all I get it's just shitty little girl Smuts who has never read a smut in her life and doesn't know how to filler
Like jeez

Edit of an edit: ALSO JUST THRUSTING INTO A GIRL MISSIONARY WON'T HIT HER G-SPOT YOU NEED PILLOWS AND SHIT TO FIND THAT SNEAKY LITTLE FUCK (I only found this out recently so some of my elder Smuts won't have the same angles as in my new Smuts)

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