The Tomorrow That Never Came.

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Hold me gently in your warm embrace.

Necer let me simply walk away.

I can count every eyelash before i close my eyes.

You whisper sweet promises of a better tomorrow.

The tomorrow that will never come.

I can feel my conscience slipping from this world as i lay in your arms.

My breathing begins to slow, as the blood comtinues to flow from my body.

Yet you still hold me here clinging to life. Why?

Why do you keep promising me a tomorrow that will never come?

Your words fill me with hope.

I force eyes open to see your caring smile.

But there is a slight sadness hidden in your eyes.

The blade of some unknown assailant draws a pool of crimson from my chest.

My breath is becoming harder to draw.

But your smile has yet to disappear.

In the distance I hear the sirens ring.

But at this moment all I cam think about are the tears

Streaming down your smiling cheeks. Dont cry, my dear.

My vision has begun to blur you out of reality.

The world has already darkened and faded.

My mental image of your kind eyes and subtle sadness still remains vivid though.

I close my eyes for one last time.

To my astonishment I hear you cry out through the ears that have already deafend the rest of the world.

"No! You cant die yet!" But I must, my dear, I must.

We all must die. I think within my final breath.

A calmness comes over me as I accept this fact.

Laughter. I can hear it. But it sounds so distant. Is it a womans?

I open my eyes to be greeted by the sight of an angel.

Why does this angel look so familiar?

I feel we share a special connection. An important moment in my life.

A quick glance around and I see I am in a hospital bed. Why?

The beautiful angel has yet to notice I've come to.

Her blood shot eyes and tear stained cheeks give hint at a trubled night.

She looks over with a smile that could stop the world from spinning appears on her face.

She exclaims "You're awake! I've missed you!"

"Missed me? But we have only just met. I have never met you." I reply in confusion.

A look of horror crosses this precious angels face

Her smile drops and she stares at me with a wicked look in her eyes.

She screams out with a maniacal laugh behind it "Just die then!"

With that, she pulls from beneath her seat an already blood stained blade.

And at that moment a wicked smile grew on her face.

It was at this time 11:59 at night, my angel quickly became a demon who once again drove a blade into my heart.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2013 ⏰

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