New Lands, Old Memories

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Emerging from the stone tunnel, Aisleigh instantly felt like she was transported to another world. The air was crisp and clean. It was early spring and new life was sprouting from the ground. She pulled over to the side of the road. Parking her car, she stepped out, leaving one foot inside. Taking a deep breath, she was at ease. She felt peace. From the distance, she heard a voice yelling. She couldn't quite hear the words, but they didn't matter. All that mattered to her was this moment. The birds chirping. The wind blowing through her hair. The smell of the salty air. It was simply gorgeous.

"Miss?!" The voice grew louder, finally catching her attention and bringing her back to reality.

"Yes?" She answered back, slightly perturbed with the interruption.

"Can I help you? You seem lost."

"Not at all," she called back. "I'm just taking a moment before continuing on."

"Ah," The old man nodded in agreement. "Takes your breath away, doesn't it?"

"It does," she smiled.

"Well, I'm the mayor of this town. If you need anything just ask for Lewis."

"Will do, Lewis." She then turned her attention back towards the sky for a moment longer as the old man began to walk away. Suddenly, Aisleigh thought back to her grandfather's letter.

"Lewis?" She called back towards him.

"Yes ma'am?"

"I'm actually here about my grandfather's farm, Ebony Acres. He left me a letter and told me to tell you hello."

"Ohmy!" He said, "It's been a while since I last saw you! You were so tiny then. Well, take your time. His farm should be just around the bend there," he said motioning around him. "Will you be staying here?"

"Yes, I'm actually hoping to take over his farm. My name is Aisleigh."

"Wonderful! And, I'm not old enough yet to forget your name, young lady." He paused, shaking a finger towards her. "I hope you're able to grow magic just as he did. In the town, is a small general store. It should have most of all the things you'll need. And, as I said, if you need anything, just let me know. Nice meeting you again, Aisleigh."

"Thank you, Mayor!" She smiled once again, waving as Lewis continued to walk away. "That was pleasant, don't you think?" Aisleigh asked inside her car. Spike began to purr, too content to lift her head off the seat. "I think we're going to like it here." She said to herself as she sat back inside her car to head towards her farm. She smiled to herself again as the engine turned over. Her farm.

She drove down an old dirt road slowly, watching for pot holes and fallen branches. The land was overgrown with trees and old boulders. The grass was knee high. The light she had in her eyes when she had passed through the tunnel was now gone. Was she getting in over her head? How was she supposed to turn this into a farm? It was more like a barren country side than a farm. Pulling up to the old cabin, she stepped out, leaving the door open for Spike. She would adventure after her cat nap. Trying to walk, Aisleigh instantly regretted not buying boots. Well, I know what I'm going to buy at the general store, she thought. Stepping up onto the wooden deck, she dusting off the old rusted mail box. It giggled around at her touch as she added hand tools to her list. Inside the box, she heard a rattling sound. Curious, she bent down and attempted to open the lid. It was stuck. Not wanting to become more concerned with her already growing anxiety, she stepped towards the door, trying to open it. It was locked.

A New Venture; A Stardew Valley FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now