Pair Up

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I'm not going to sit here and tell you that I'm some anti-social weirdo who can't stand human contact and can't hold a conversation. Like, okay I can talk to people and I even like talking to people sometimes. But typically I only talk to you if I know you. I don't normally engage in conversation that I don't know at all. 

My least favorite words happen to be:

"Pair up." 

I'm sitting in English class, only like half paying attention. I already know what the teacher is prattling on about, and besides I could probably teach this class anyway. English is the one thing I'm actually good at. 

But anyway, I'm sitting here doodling in my notebook, when she says these dreadful words. I look up, horror stricken, and she's looking down at her notes. 

"For this assingment, I don't want you pairing up with someone you know. This is going to be a bit different, and I need you to pick the person you know least in the room. If you don't do it, I'll do it for you."

This is even worse. A few seconds ago, I could have paired up with one of my best friends who is in this class, Michael. But now that just got shot to dust. 

I start chewing on my pen and looking around the room at all the people. I'm on a first name basis with most of the people in here, but we don't actually talk or anything.

"Your assignment for the next couple of weeks is going to be writing letters. You're going to be writing letters to your partner, and he or she will be writing them back. You're introducing yourself on paper, and telling them all about yourself. The goal by the end of this is that you will have a newfound friendship concieved only of written words on a page."

I groan inwardly. It's a decent idea, I'll give her that. But I don't really want to be on the recieving end of it. But maybe, like she said, it's only written words and I won't actually have to talk to anyone at all.

"Alright, so get into your pairs, and go ahead and discuss your plan. You'll bring your first letters to school tomorrow, swap, the second day bring your second letters and so on. I'll look at the letters each day to make sure you're doing them, but I won't read them. This is just so you all know how to handle yourself better on paper, and make sure you aren't confusing anyone with your words. Sound good?" She pauses for a moment, and no one moves so she shoos us with her hands, "I'll com around in a minute to help out those who don't have partners!"

She claps her hands, and everyone starts moving around. I just sort of stay in my seat, trying to pick out who I think I'd like as a human being. Orginally I was going to try to pair up with someone smart, but when our teacher said that she wasn't really grading them, that flew out the window. Now I'm just looking for someone that doesn't look like they'd like to use my face as a potential punching bag. 

I'm not having much luck at all when I catch movement out of the corner of my eye and turn to look towards the back of the classroom. The teacher-Ms. Harrelson- is standing back there apparently arguing with a boy. I know his name, and I just can't remember what it is. I know if I heard it, I'd recognize it, but I can't come up with it.

My teacher has her arms in the air, apparently frustrated. She keeps saying things like, "You have to participate" and "please just pick a partner". When he continues to sit there, she looks up at the rest of the class who is no longer working on the assigment, but watching her.

"Who doesn't have a partner?" She asks, and I see the exasperated look in her eyes.

I raise my hands long with five other kids and she scans us with her eyes before saying, "Melody, would you mind?"

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