Screw Everyone else We Rock!

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I'm The Guy dating MILEY CYRUS!!!??.
Screw EveryOne esle We Rock!
(A/N.. Funny Name^^. right? lol wanted something randow cause this is 
A fun chapter;). Sorry for anymistakes).


Miley's Words echoed the Empty Room..

Now seeing it Day light Made Me realize it's Pretty Empty.

Just clothes everywhere.

I Look at Miley.

Is this A test to see what  I'll

  Yeah I've been asked That before and I said Yes wich landed Me in a 
Sh!t lot of Trouble.

 " Eh Ya Serious?". I asked. Miley laughed... God I Love her laugh it's Instandly Makes Me smile.

She Moves closer to Me.

" Yeah.I mean Its just us, No Fake Friends to record it and Put it on  The web..".

She said. She's Now getting lost in though. It's Like she's re-living that Night... Re hatching the anger.

I'd Be Mad if My Friend Posted a video of Me getting High on the Web.

"Anyways". Miley Snaps Back to Reality." Let's Have Some Fun. Just Us. Don't worry,Were in My house no one will catch. Plus it's safer to get 
high here then in a club or a randow place".

Good Points. It's just I didn't think our Secod date would Be us  Getting Stoned. Tho our first was getting drunk and having wild..

Woah.. I Just Realized that's Awful ways to start a Relationship.  But  So far This is the best Relationship I ever had.

Why Not go out a Limb. Do the things I Never did before. Love her like I Never loved any girl before.I'm Still Young. I'll have the time of my life .That way I can never say Why didn't I just do it. Or I should have.

" Lets Get wrecked Babe".


[There High Now. I didn't wanna write all that we Smoked this and 
that. Srry if You wanted to read that- Back to The story]


The Whole Room spins Causing Me to Trip and Stamble at everystep. I 
feel like everything going Light speed. My whole Body fills with 
Numbess. I can't think Or see straight.

It's been a While Since I did this.

I hear Miley's beatiful laugh.

I laugh to.

She falls to floor. I'd help her but I can't feel my arms and it's 

" Miley!. Get Your fine Ass Up!".
I scream.

She laughs and slowly stands up.

She Jumps on Me and to My suprise I actually Catch her and we go to the Kitchen.

I place Miley on the Counter.

She Licks My face.. Well that was Odd.

I laugh." Crazy b!tch".

She laugh." You Look so F*cking Yummy".

She laughed.

" I Am!".

I say. Miley Leans in and Kisses Me. The Kiss was Insane. It has So  Much Passion and Lust. Miley kisses Me with Pure hunger. She sure Knows how to Make Me feel wanted.
  FireWorks go off and I can Sware My heart stoped Beating.

I'm The guy dating MILEY CYRUS!!!?Where stories live. Discover now