Chapter 1

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"You girls are going to have so much fun! There are going to be so many kids and people you can talk to! There are boats and cabins and forests!" My mother said, trying to convince us that we were doing the right thing. "And Maya, Alpha arrived yesterday, so you'd have him!"

I smiled at the mention of my dog, who had luckily been able to come with me for the summer. He was a pet, and a self-trained service dog, but was also my best friend. I first got him two years ago when he was just a puppy. He was a German Sheppard and was very protective and loyal. He didn't like any other humans apart from me, and growled when strangers came near him. I always had to be in the same room as him at the Vets, but I didn't mind. He had saved my life before.

"Mum, just shut up. We could've just stayed at home! We're old enough to look after ourselves." Olivia said, rolling her blue eyes and finally putting away her phone.

"Exactly. You're just shipping us of to George, trying to get rid of us." I said quietly, giving her a glare and ignoring the stern look she gave me when I called my 'dad' by his first name. The happiness about Alpha disappeared when I remembered who we were going to stay with."He's happy there, and we're happy here. He even has a new family with that wife of his, and her daughter."

"Maya. That girl is your stepsister, and she's your age! I'm sure she's a wonderful, young girl." Mum replied back. I held in the sigh that was just bursting to escape. All parents thought every kid was good. Or at least better than you.

"And maybe you'll finally find some friends that aren't bad influences." Billy joked, his arm wrapped around my mum. I watched as my mum turned around and smacked his chest lightly, trying to hide her smile.

I didn't find that so-called joke funny. I know that I didn't have any friends, and I liked it that way. It means that I didn't get involved in any drama. Unless you count the time that I punched Olivia's ex-boyfriend who cheated on her, and who she got back together with just a few days later.

"Ha, so funny Billy." I spat out his name sweetly, giving him an innocent glare, if that was possible.

I looked away when my mum glared at me again. I feel like, ever since my mum had met Billy she had changed a lot. I mean, she had always been super strict, but she just got more... weird.

Billy and my mum started talking to Isabella, my step-sister, whilst Olivia was back on her phone, so I took the chance to study them.

My mum was a beautiful mum, and you'd have to be crazy to disagree. She had dark blonde hair and blue eyes. She had a few grey strands and a few wrinkles, but they didn't make her look any older or younger. Billy was tall and lean with blondish-greyish hair and brown eyes. They did look like a good couple, but I was too stubborn to ever admit it to either of me.

Isabella had light brown hair and blue eyes with a pretty, tanned face. Olivia was the true beauty with her model-like face and brown hair and blue eyes. I had dark brown hair, nearly black, with light brown eyes and a naturally tanned face too. If anyone looked at us five, they would definitely think we were a family. Olivia looked like our mum, Isabella looked like Billy and I had few trademarks from our mum to look like I fit in.

"Don't worry Diana. I'll look after Olivia and Maya." I looked back at Isabelle when she said our names and I saw Olivia's head also snap up at the mention of her name.

We looked at each other and hid our smirks when we realised we were thinking the same thing. "Isabella was a goody-goody two shoes, in front of the adults."

"Mum, we have to go now, they just called our flight." I said, trying to get away as fast as I could.

"Of course, of course." My mum said, stepping away from Isabella to give us hugs. "I'll miss you girls. Make sure you're safe and listen to your father. Call everyday and take lots of pictures! Don't do anything I wouldn't do." She said, releasing Olivia to bring me into a hug. "Make sure you take your medication and please be careful darling."

I allowed Billy to give me an awkward hug with his skinny arms before letting Olivia to drag me away. I gave one more small smile before turning away and wheeling my hand-luggage suitcase away.

Oddly enough, I felt relief wash over me as I walked away. My mother had always been protective over me, especially with what I have and what happened before. I had always had people watching over me, whether it was family or the doctors. And now, I finally had the freedom I had always wanted. The irony that I was going to the Land of 'Freedom' too.

"Stop walking so fucking slowly Maya. We have a plane to catch." Isabella hissed at me, struggling with her two small suitcases and handbag.

I glared at her when she pronounced my name wrong.

"Firstly Isabelle, it's May-a, not My-a. And second of all, if you stopped sucking up to our mum, maybe we'd be a bit early. And why did you bring so many bags!" I said back, pushing the handle down into the suitcase when we stopped at the queue.

"Oh, like Olivia didn't have to leave a few belongings behind. And you're the one who stuffed everything in one suitcase and didn't have enough space to share with me." She replied, placing her bags down, her face red.

"Ah, that's my fault, sister. Maya had plenty of space, but since I'm her actual sister, she let me share." Olivia smirked at Isabella, who glared back.

"Don't make a scene guys. We're nearly at the front. There's security everywhere. I'm too young to already get a criminal record because of you two." I hissed quietly, smiling at a police officer who I caught eye contact with.

Yes, in England airports we had police officers, high security and cameras around every corner. You can't cross a road without a camera picking your actions up.

"Passports and plane tickets please." The air-stewardess/woman in front of us asked.

We handed over all our things and waited patiently whilst she looked at them. A minute later, she handed them back with a smile.

"Welcome aboard. I hope you enjoy this trip. If you have any problems, please let us know." She let us through and we walked through the corridor and finally came to the plane, the sounds of our luggage wheels rolling behind us, echoing.

I let Isabella do the talking with the air stewardess before we were pointed towards our seats. The good thing was that Olivia and Isabella were sat together whilst I was in the row in front of them sitting next to a complete stranger. This meant silence, plane food and watching movies the entire flight.

I pushed my luggage into the cupboard thingies above my head, smiling and thanking the man who helped us.

"Okay. Maya we'll be right behind you, so if there are any problems, just tell us. Unless you feel sick, then just tell someone else. I'm not wiping your shit up, not again." Olivia mentioned, sitting in her seat and already pulling her headphones on.

I sniggered at the memory of when I had gotten food poisoning a few years back and Olivia had to look after me as our parents weren't at home then. At least I knew that she cared enough to listen to my problems if I told her.

I smiled at Isabella who gave me a grimace back and sat into my seat, looking out of the window and at the scenery around me.

This flight was either going to go really slow, or really quick. At least I had all Disney princess movies on the screen.

Hey guys!! Second book on Wattpad? How did you like this chapter? What do you think of Maya, Olivia and Isabella?? What do you think of this sotry so far, even if this was only one chapter?!!!?!?  PLEASE COMMENT&VOTE

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