The Party of the centry

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Thoron and I pulled up at my friend Nayala's house. You could tell that people were there before us, but we were four hours late. I kinda of role that way though. Thoron got out of the car and looked at me.

"Are you going to get out of the car?"

"Yea in a second I just love the feeling of this car." 

"Everyone loves the feeling and the sound that a porche makes."

"Yea I know but, this car has saved me from a shit load."

"Come on Delaina lets go I know Nayala really wants to see you."

"Haha I know i miss her I barley see her anymore."

"How did you become friends with her again? I mean she is a really inoscent girl and your well... the complete opposite."

"Well I met her in middle school and we were both friends with other people and didn't like the same people. She was really nice to me and we just became friends."

"Oh well I'm sure it will be good to catch up."

"Yup it should be." 

We walked into the house side by side and was blinded by the amount of lights in the house. As soon as our sight was returened we say that everyone was having the time of their lives. Their was boose and drugs and lights and people. I automatically knew that this party wasn't Nayala's. I hadn't even walked into the door when all of sudden this little boy came up to me with the biggest smile on his face and a huge pitcher of beer in his hand. 


"Um hi?"

"Your Delaina right?"

"Yes I am.. haha and you are?"

"I'm Troy and i love you!"

"Wait.. you love me?"

"Yes! I.. I do."

"Haha okay I think your done with this beer here and you don't really love me you are just drunk."

"NOOOOOO I'm not you are super sexy and I love you."

"Haha okay you are more drunk than you should be what grade are you?"

"I'm a freshman."

"Yup I remember this Troy you are going to wake up with a hell of a headache, but you should be fine if you don't drink as much as I did."

"Did? HA" laughed Thoron.

"Okay Do, but don't do what I do or did."

"Okay can I have my beer back?"

"No do you know where Nayala is?"

"Yea she is in the kitchen with her friends."

"Okay thank you Troy." 

"No problem."

Thoron treaded behind me and looked at all the drunk or high freshman and sophmores. He was scared and I could tell by the look on his face. I made my way through the crowd and said hello to some people and introduced Thoron to them. I finally made it into the kitchen and saw Nayala in the middle of the crowd.



"Hey how you've been?"


"So whose party is this?"

"It's mine!"

"Nayala I know this isn't your party, you just aren't this kind of person."

"Yea I know it's my friends party she was having a rough time so i let her throw a party here."

"Why not at here house?"

"Cauz her parents aren't on vacation."

"OH, that makes sense now."

"Yea, whose your friend?"

"Oh him thats Thoron he's a good friend of mine he's taken me in."

"Oh yea I don't live with my parents anymore I live with Thoron, he's basically my older brother."

"Thats cool, well it was great talking to you but I have to make sure my friend isn't taking a freshman upstairs."

"HAHA, okay well you have fun with that."

"I'll try, but no promises."

She walked away in search of her deperssed friend. Thoron and I grabed a drink and went to go talk to people.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Next Day ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 

I woke up in a bed with a massive headache and a tatto. How the hell did I get that? I looked at my phone and it said 2:00. Was it the morning or the night? I rolled over and blinked. Who was that person in this bed with me? Did i do something with them last night? I turned onto my back and fell back asleep. The next thing I know the unidentified person is on top of me, kissing my neck and my chest. Suddenly I look up and see Blake. Oh thank God I thought it was Thoron. 


"Hey baby how are ya?"

"When did you get here?"

"I got here like 20 minutes into the party, you were flat on your ass drunk and talking to Thoron and Nayala."


"Yea we had a blast. Once people started clearing out me, you Thoron and Nayala all came back to Thorons place."

"Wait who was that last person?"


"No did you say Nayala?"

"Yea I did actually she came back and her and Thoron went into his room together."

"WHAT?!?!?!?" I tried to get out of bed but i was so hungover I fell straight on my ass and crawled out the door. I pounded on Thorons door and he slowly opened it.


"Did you bone Nayala?"

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