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You and Chuuya's love story was far shorter than you could have guessed. It was over within a matter of minutes, but all the better for the two queens. They paid attention to the tale with great interest, eyes boring into the two of you in search of little lies that may be flung out. None were said.

You finish with a quick breath and all is silent. The two queens watch as you and Chuuya share a look of worry.

It's not apparent, but it's obvious that Elise is the true lady in charge of the mess. She nods her head in approval, a smile gracing her appearance a matter of seconds later.

"Okay! What now?"

Chuuya blinks in surprise, "That's all, your majesty?"

"Well, there's no reason for you to lie," Zelda chuckles. Elise nods her head. You sigh in relief.

"But we can't help you both if there's no plan."

A troubling look crosses your face. Zelda catches notice of it and she smiles softly.

"Care for some tea, (f/n)?"


The Mal rose garden is just as creepy as its palace. Black roses litter the dry leaves, and the thorns are what seem important to the maze. Zelda maneuvers through the twisting maze with easy grace, her beryllonite dress swimming by the bushes and commanding them to retreat.

No surprise, the gazebo is just as eerie as the kingdom. Obsidian like pillars support a cloudy skied granite. The only ray of sunshine in the mass of depression is the food. Their colors are arranged neatly and you can only look to Zelda, who does not take the monotone setting into consideration. The sudden downpour of rain does not help the foul mood.

"Mother, I don't take a liking to tea parties." You seat yourself opposite of Zelda. She smiles into her teacup, a sign of understanding.

"Yes, but I suppose you have a plan? One that you would not like to mention to your lover." Her feather long lashes raise to give an illusion of doe wide eyes.

You next motions are rigid, weak, and uncertain. Almost as if you've already fought with your father. Zelda, of course, notices this. She laughs to herself, though it is carried under by the outside showers.

"I suppose you truly are the one to understand your father's war side. Although I find it more fair to bring your partner along." She clarifies. You purse your lips, uncertain with your mother's sentence.

"He's a strong man." She says, pulling your ear from across the table. You wince in pain, swatting away her hand not a moment later.

"Please don't..." You mumble under your breath. Zelda laughs once more.

Her eyes turn down, a wave of melancholy seeming to wash over her. "Either way... I suppose I have to say good bye to one of you. I just hope it's not you... As much as I love your father, we've already had our love story." Tears brim her eyes, few dropping into her cup of tea. "I suppose I must turn the narrative over to you..."

Words are no longer exchanged as your eyes fondly stare into the murky abyss.

Thank you, mother...


"Do you have a plan?" Chuuya questions as he tugs one end of his tie, successfully swiping it off. Your foot taps against the cobblestone floor before a nod is delivered. Chuuya seems to look either grim or delighted, you can't seem to tell whist glancing out of the corner of your eye. 

Chuuya struggles for words, "Will I... like the plan?" Your lover looks over his shoulder.

He doesn't receive an answer.

That alone is a novel of words.

Chuuya can only use the vanity table as a support, his head now cast low. The white shirt you don slowly bloom with stains of tears, and the rain outside softly beats the anthem of your death.

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