Chapter One: A New Face

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Dear Mother,

       I'm sorry that you see it as my fault that my brother, your son is dead. I'm sorry he died and I'm still alive, if I could I would change places but I cant so I'm going to leave so you never have to see me again. I know you see him every time you look at me . I love you but I cant stand the way you look at me good bye.

       Love Aya

      That was three days ago that she wrote that letter. Now she was alone and wet, hiding in an old log and out of food. She sat there for a long time be for she fell asleep. She was starteld awake by the nose of an axe on the old log, she didn't know what to do. She thought about running but didn't know how many people there were. So she stood up and saw four men and what looked like a small child. She couldn't be sure because it was so dark the there was a bright light and she saw that it was a dwarf, an elf, and what looked like three men. The man with the black eyes looked her up and down. Then with a low raged voice asked her "Who are you and where do you come from?" She told him, "I am Aven from a small farm three days walk to the west." The man looked at her as if he could tell that she was no boy. But Aya knew she looked just like her brother short hair flat figure and not a trace of anything feminine about her.

    The man said, "Why are you so far from home?" Aya said, "I'm looking for work to help my mother and sister, the crop was bad and we have little to eat" The man said, "Well boy your on the councils land most trespassers are killed or inprisoned so we will have to tack you to them and see what your punishment is to be"

Around sunrise one of the men took off and said he would catch up with them in the village. From what she could gather his name was Rive he was a tall, slim man with gold colored eyes and silver hair. He didn't talk to anyone very much. He just stayed to the back and out of my sight.

About the time they came in to sight of the village there was a loud ringing coming from a tall tower in the middle. The man with the black eyes who's name she found out was Brinten said, "This can't be good." So they took off running and dragging Aya behind them. She tried to stay up with them but it was so hard to run with her  arms tied. They made it to the the tower and burst in the door

Aya looked all around her she didn't know where or what she was looking at. All around her there were people standing wall to wall and up on a higher floor there were twelve men sitting. One stood up and said, "Silence! As all you know there was a great tragedy two days ago, and some of our greatest warriers offered to go after the monsters that took the Children of Light" Aya couldn't breath she had heard of the Children of Light. She thought they were a myth, something her father had made up to put her and her brother to sleep at night. She remembered her father telling them about how there were four children all of witch were a thousand years old. They held the balence of the light in there hearts and souls. Who would want to tack them they only knew goodness. The man was still talking he was saying something about six worriers. So she started to listen again " one of the men was discovered trying to leave the counsels land. He said that he was wanting to get a head start but upon more information we learned he was working for the monsters that took the children. Now we must find a norther volunteer who will go with these other five men and save the Children of Light." Aya looked to see who would go, but no one went forward. All at ones Brinten stepped forward and said" counsel members think I have an idle. Late last night we found this boy on your land we brought him here to see if you would kill him or in-prison him, but maybe he could go with the worriers to save the children. An if he comes back alive and along with all four children then he is free. If he trys to escape he will be hung up in a tree at once."Everyone looked at the council they were talking in low voices the one said " very well we have a sixth member. The group will leave at dusk."

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