Between you and me

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  • Dedicated to Kelsey May, for everything she's been through.

"Don't tell him. Please, don't tell him." Leda begged me, putting both her hands on my shoulders. I didn't know what to say to her, I just stared into her deep blue eyes, that reminded me of the ocean. "Why shouldn't I tell him Leda? I'm worried about you, and I have been ever since Mum's death". She removed her hands from my shoulders and sat down on the edge of her bed. She stared at the picture of Mum, her and me that was standing up against the wall on her bedside cabinet.

"You don't need to be worried about me. I'm fine, honestly, believe me Sarah" she didn't move her eyes from the picture, but I could tell that she was lying. That's my name, Sarah, I was named after my gran. Leda is my sister, I am 19 and she is 15. Our mum died when she was only 10. Ever since then Leda has been acting weirdly, saying things and thinking things that she would never normally dream of. We moved out of our old house after our mothers funeral, I had to get a job even though I was too young, seeing as my dad walked out on us. I still remember his last words after all these years of not seeing him and not knowing where he is, "you don't need me and I definetly don't need you. Don't come looking for me, and don't try to contact me, I want nothing to do with you girls, you mean nothing". 

"You're not fine Leda, come on, you can be honest with me, I'm your sister. If there's anything wrong or anything bugging you, you know you can always come to me, you're all I have left". I put my arms around her to comfort her. She stared at me, with tears in her eyes. "I know I can always come to you Sarah. But right now, I don't need to. And you don't just have me, you have Tom too". I moved my arms away from my little sister. Tom's my boyfriend, well at least he's meant to be. We don't really speak much anymore, seeing as he's always busy working the other side of town, and I'm always worrying about my sister.

I stood up and smiled at my sister, "I have to go out for a bit, we need some milk. Stay here,okay?". "Okay". Leda looked at me, I knew she wanted me to stay with her, but I needed to go out and think. The truth is, we had enough Milk in the fridge to last us a life time, but I couldn't stand to see my little baby sister upset, even if she wouldn't tell me what was up. 

I locked the front door and headed to my car, my feet crunching in the bitter cold winter snow. As I unlocked the car, I realised I had forgotten my scarf. I headed back up the drive way to get it. As I unlocked the door, I called out for Leda. "I forgot my scarf, I'm just going to collect it and then I'll be on my way". No answer. I thought she might have just had her earphones in, so I picked up my scarf, looked in the mirror as I put it on, and stared at myself for a minute. "Look at you. 19 years old. With no parents and a little sister that your worrying about when it's nothing. Grow up girl" I said to myself out loud. 

Walking through the town center, I saw my old friends from when I was in secondry school. I hadn't seen them for what seemed like a lifetime, seeing as I left school early to earn money to pay for the bills after mums passing. "Sarah! Oh my God, It's really you!? I've missed you, how are things?" my old friend Mya walked up to me and hugged me. She smiled and put one arm on my left shoulder. "Hey, yeah, it's really me. I've missed you too" I cleverly avoided her last question and smiled. After a while of talking she gave me her new number and told me to call her if I ever needed to chat or if I wanted to meet up. I carried on walking through the shops, trying to think of what to do about my sister. As I was paying for a few things I bought for the house, my phone started ringing. I looked down at the number on my screen, "Unknown Number", I answered the phone "Hello?". A smooth voice replied to me "Hello Sarah, where are you right now?". I felt confused, why was this person calling me? Why were they asking me where I was. I looked around me to see if anyone was on there phone. No one.

My car wheels screached around the corner of my street. I parked up on the driveway and ran into the house, forgetting to lock the car doors. "Leda! Leda, where are you!?" I screamed and ran into my sisters room. Leda was laying with her eyes closed on her bed. She was still breathing. Phew. I gently poked her arm, she awoke and sat up. "Oh Hey Sarah, what's up?". I hugged her tightly. I smiled, "I'm glad your okay. I thought something had happened". Maybe I should fill you in, that phone call I got when I was in the shop? Yes, you know the one, it was from a stranger, a male stranger. He told me to watch out for my sister, and that if I said anything to her about this phone call he would hurt her and me. That's why I panicked. Like everyone else would do, I cared about my sister, and I would still care about her if she was still here, but now I have no reason to be worried about her, she's gone, and will never come back.

"Hey, Sarah, wait up!" I head a voice calling me from behind. I turned around, and there running towards me with a bunch of flowers, was Tom. He smiled and hugged me tightly. "I'm so sorry about what happened, Mya told me, I hope you don't mind. I've missed you". I pulled away from him, and stared for a while, speachless. "Wow new's travels fast then. Why did I even trust Mya, what was I thinking, I haven't seen her for years, and then I go and tell her that". His smile vanished from his face, he took my hand and pulled me to a bench, we sat down for a while and talked. "You know I never meant to hurt you right? I didn't do it on purpose" Tom said. Yeah, like I believed him. He handed me the flowers and walked off, "I have to go now, bye Sarah". As he walked away, his eyes lit up and a evil smirk flashed across his face. 

~Never trust someone that knows too much about you.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2012 ⏰

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