T@gged- Zaina

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Sooo, i was tagged by RachelBae17 to do this specific tag

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Sooo, i was tagged by RachelBae17 to do this specific tag. I know that I was tagged by Alex4521 and _xScarlett_Wolfx_ to do another tag but sorrry.... I have been super busy. I hope this tag makes up for it.

Were you born in the 1980 and above, and had a great childhood? Or were you born in the 2000 and above and still had a great childhoods?
I'm a new millennium baby, born in 2001. Technically, I'm still a child, because I'm not over 16, but I have had a great childhood so far.

Are you the social or silent student at school?
Probably the social. I'm not like the super outgoing popular girl, that everyone envies. I'm the nice, friendly girl that literally that talks to anyone.

Would you want to be on Wattpad all day, or don't be on your phone all day?
Duh, be on Wattpad all day.

If you could have only one social media, what would it be?
Probably snapchat because I could still see what people are up to, and use the amazing filters.

Which do you like best, vampires or werewolves?
Vampires all the way!

Would you want to be a hero or a villain?
Villain, it would get pretty tiresome trying to always save the world. I want to see what it's like in the villains point of view.

Do you want to travel the whole world with your enemy, or stay in a small town with your close friends?
I'd travel the whole world with my enemy, making sure to lock them in a closet, so I can continue my travels as a lone wolf.

Would you want to have a phone that has everything, but no internet, or have a phone with Internet but no apps or social media except for YouTube?
Probably, the phone that has every thing but no internet. I can't explain why....

Would you choose your family or your friends?
Sorry, friends.... But I would say family since they brought me up.

Dogs or cats?
I'm scared of them both. I literally only like certain fluffy animals, that don't have huge sharp teeth. I think this question should I would probably say a kitten.

Would you rather live on land, or in water?
On land, the waters are scary. I could drown or get eaten by a huge shark.

Would you want to be trapped inside a very scary video game, or the most boring game ever?
Probably, a very scary game because at least I'd always be on my feet. I would die of boredom in a boring games.

Did you have a hard time writing the answers to the questions?
Yes... These questions were tricky.

My questions are for the following:

The questions are:

1. If you could visit any moment from the past, what would it be?
2. Who is your role model?
3. What is your favourite colour?
4. Who would you vote for, Hillary or Donald?
5. What is your dream job and why?
6. What was the last movie or TV series you watched?
7. If you could have one superpower, what would it be and why?
8. Would you rather have two noses, or an extra eye?
9. Who is your favourite OTP?
10. Most favourite foods
11. Would you rather get a ton of money for a job you absolutely hate, or do a job you love but live in poverty.
12. If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be?
13. What is one thing in the world that you hate?

Sooooooo........ Thanks for the tags, and I hope you enjoy doing the tag.

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