~Be There For You~

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"I can't believe you"! I yell whilst facing them.
"Look, I'm sorry Y/N. But I think you're better off"!
Anger filled me.
"Or you're in love with some bitch you met at the party"! I yelled while tossing their bag at them.
"Y/N please"!
"Don't please me, just get out"!
With a soft sigh, they soon picked up their bag.
Shortly afterward, they walked out. Leaving me to hug my knees and cry. I'm such a fool for thinking this would last forever. When will I learn.
After a while I heard a knock at my door. Before opening it, I preemptively wiped my tears. Once I opened the door, I realized that it was an old friend of mine.
"Hey". He said with a warm smile.
"Oh hi Ohm. What's up"? I asked curiously.
"I thought that we could hangout, but it seems like somethings on your mind". He said while walking in.
We soon sat on the couch.
"Trust me Ohm, I'm fine". I said while rubbing my eye.
"Y/n I know you way to well. What's wrong"? Ohm asked with concern.
A soft sigh escaped my lips. God I could never hide anything from him.
"Me and (random name) broke up".
"Why? You two seemed so happy together". He said surprised.
"Because they're in love with some bitch from the party we went to". I said while trying not to let my emotions get the best of me. But it wasn't until he hugged me, that I realized I was crying again. So I hugged him tighter, burying my face into his shoulder. He rubbed my back gently. Leaving me to realize how much I longed for a genuine embrace.
"Y/n. There's something I need to tell you". He said with unsureness.
I pulled away, leaving him to hold both of my hands. His hazel eyes filled with hope.
"Ever since I met you at that party in high school, I knew I wanted to be apart of your life forever. Sure I had to hold you while you threw up, but I didn't mind it". He said making me giggle.
"After that, we danced the night away until we both passed out blackout drunk. Yet it wasn't until I woke up with you in my arms, that I realized I really liked you".
I felt my cheeks grow warm as he spoke.
"But I played it cool since we had just met. And as time went on, those feelings only grew stronger. Leaving me to really struggle whether or not to tell you how I felt. Because I was scared of possibly loosing the person who made me feel as though I was enough".
He paused for a moment. Leaving me to only smile warmly.
"So I let those feelings go, and I watched (random name) ask you out. God only knows how much it killed me watching you be with someone else. And that's when I realized those feelings would never leave me".
Gently his hand rose up to cup my cheek.
"I wanted to be the one who made you smile. Be by your side day and night. Wake up with you in my arms sober or hungover. And be there for you whenever you needed me. All because I love you".
He looked to me, almost as if he expected rejection. So, I did the one thing I should have done long ago.
I placed my hands onto his cheeks and kissed him.
It felt as if the world around us had grown still. The moment between us being the only feeling left besides our hearts beating.
As we pulled away, I could see that all of the anxiety he once had, disappeared.
"I love you too".
Gently I rested my head against his, making him chuckle.
As the rest of the day went on, we did what we always do best. Party. So after a few bottles of beer, we found ourselves in the same position we met. And that was in in each other's arms, swaying to the beat of some random love song.
"Hopefully we don't get black out drunk".
"And why is that"? He said with a smile.
"Because I never want to forget this day".
"What about earlier on"?
I shrugged, soon resting my head against his shoulder.
"Sometimes it's worth it to take the bad. Because I got something pretty damn awesome in the end". I said making him chuckle.
As the night continued on, we found ourselves passed out on my couch. Yet this time I remembered whose arms I was in. Because it was the man I wanted to grow gray and old with.

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