13/100 - dog

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hmmmm the shippuden era will start soon with this book bc you and gaara can't do much as kids lmao 

anyways this one is kind of boring but whAtever


Gaara watched you as your eyes twinkled in amazement at the fluffy sight in front of you. The image in front of him certainly was interesting, but not so much so that it would be considered odd. After all, being with you meant lots of weird things were to occur. If it wasn't you being the weird one it was the things that you seemed to attract, or to fit the situation more appropriately, it was the strange circumstances that you got yourself into. And Gaara was accustomed to this already.

Although, the case that displayed right before his eyes wasn't one of those uncanny situations like usual, rather it was just an interesting one. It wasn't too odd to be considered one of those moments with you, yet it wasn't common enough for Gaara to disregard it. Perhaps he was interested because of the silly expression your face held for the longest time as you jerked your hand forward, a willing urge to touch the dog who stood panting in the heat.

"[Name], let's go." said Gaara, in his usual monotonous voice. He wanted to grab your wrist to drag you out of your dog-trance, but refrained from doing so because he knew that you wouldn't move an inch until you were satisfied. 

The look on your face was priceless, something that would come about only when a dog appeared. Your eyes glinted with dazzling sparkles, a hopeful blush evident on your face while your hand did the petting motion. This was everything you could ever want in a day. If you could, you would spend the rest of the day with this dog in your arms, or perhaps any dog! All dogs were welcomed with open arms.

Gaara blinked blankly at you with an underlying impatience set in his stare, "[Name]."

"Gaara look at this dog," you gaped, "Where's its owner...? I'll be your owner~"

"Let's go." Suddenly, Gaara's thinning patience urged his hand to grab and drag you out of the dog's presence, like his hand had a mind of its own. This was only to leave you wailing with your arms while your feet dragged across the sandy streets of Suna, and Gaara swore he was going deaf with the pitch of your cries.

"No! I can't just leave the dog--Gaara, why~"

"I will get you your own dog when we are older," he says. "So for now--"

"So for now, you will have to be my dog." 

Abruptly, Gaara stopped in his tracks to let your wrists go, and even you were slightly disconcerted with the bold statement you managed to say. So you were able to say that and not confess your feelings, this was what you realized at the moment Gaara initiated a long glare at you.

With the same awareness you would get when avoiding shattered glass, your mind began processing different phrases to say in hopes of breaking the thickest silence that ensued. Your mind was so caught up in finding a way to take it back without sounding flustered that you didn't even catch the few forwarding steps that Gaara took towards you.

His emerald eyes gazed deeply in your [c] ones, faces only inches apart.

"Woof," was all he said.

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