the run away killer

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peapul !!!!!!!  !!!!!! !!!!!!!!! !!!!!!

1.Destiny    /    hipper 1.

2.chris        /     smarticals .

3.cameron /    lazy 1.

4.Erin         /    bitty.


Cameron and Erin are going out.

Chris and Destiny are going out.

Cameron and Chris are twins .


5.jhon     /   creepy dad that is tring to get Erin and Destiny home and ceep .

6. sosen /  the bad ass mom that will do eany thing to save Erin and Destiny.

7.haylye  / hangarounds  until she is dead :(

8.c.j.      /  finds halyle dead and deis.

p.s. if you doun't like the omg fuck you books then this is not the right ook for you soo bye lol ok but gust read 1 parigraph of it and see what you doun't like or like so comment <3 erin







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