1. New Awakenings

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Margaret Rathbone lied passed out on a beach, carried there by strong currents. Her dress was torn and her long blonde hair was matted. The beach had white sand and the ocean was calm and blue after the previous night's storm.

There were a few white fluffy clouds in the sky and the warm sun shined down on Margaret. There was a lush green jungle connected to the beach and further on the beach met a series of sheer cliffs.

Her eyes slowly opened, and she started to cough. She turned over to her side as the coughing got worse. She coughed uncontrollably until she released the water locked in her lungs.

Once all the water was expelled, she just lied on her back again and tried to catch her breath. She just stared at the sky trying to comprehend what just happened to her.

"Manchubu saya!" A voice shouted. Margaret looked up and saw a native man, not too far from her that stared at her.

He was covered from head to toe in what appeared to be black soot, which was in strong contrast to the white of his eyes and teeth. He had a thin bamboo stick through his nose and large wooden disks in his ears. He had spikes made of bone around his neck and he was only wearing a brown loin cloth.

This native man held a bow and arrow, pointed at Margaret.

"Manchubu saya!" He shouted again. Margaret slowly sat up and raised her hands.

"What is that? I do not know what you want," Margaret yelled, as she stared the native man in the eyes.

The native man quickly took a few steps closer and pointed his arrow at Margaret's face. "Manchubu saya!"

"What do you want? I will not hurt you," Margaret said as she slowly stood up. The native man stepped closer and touched Margaret's chest with his arrow. Margaret's eyes widened and breathing deepened.

"Sachu walimba!" Shouted another voice from the treeline. Margaret looked and saw another native man walking out. He almost looked identical to the first man. The two conversed in their language and it looked like it evolved into an argument.

The first man pointed at Margaret and shouted at the other man. Margaret slowly stood up, took a step back and looked down. She saw her bracelet that dropped off while she coughed earlier. As soon as she bent over, both men pointed their arrows at her and shouted something in their own language.

Margaret quickly straightened up and had both hands in the air. One hand was open and the other closed. The man closest to her pointed to her closed fist and yelled. Margaret lowered her hands and opened the one to reveal her silver bracelet.  The man just stared at the bracelet, then shouted something again and walked around Margaret.

Margaret kept her eyes locked on his every move. He poked her in the back with the arrow. Margaret just looked over her shoulder and stared at him. He then poked her in the back again, but harder this time.

"Hey! That hurt!" She exclaimed. The man stepped forward and slapped Margaret across the face. She could hardly put her hand on her stinging cheek before the man shoved her to the sand.

Margaret fell on her hands and knees and scraped her the palm of her hand as her hand landed on a ragged rock. The man grabbed Margaret by the back of her dress, and pulled her up to her feet. He shouted something again and pointed down the beach.

"Do you want me to walk? Is that it?" Margaret pleaded. The man raised his hand again, but stopped when Margaret started to walk. "Fine. I will walk. Just enough with slapping and the poking," Margaret snapped.

They were met with the second native man, who joined them in front of Margaret. They walked along the beach and the man in front started to turn towards the tree line.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2016 ⏰

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