Chapter 25: Tug of War

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Think. Think!

The cheerleader area lies to the right of where I am standing, just in front of the guest team's fans' bleachers. There are about four hundred Pallfordians, all on the edge of their seats, waiting for the next play.

The hooded creature stands directly behind Evie in the shadows of the bleachers.

Why can't anyone else see it?

I pick up the ball again, rotating it in my muddy hands, pretending to be calculating distances and angles. Then I look at Evie before positioning the ball on the grass.

I cannot shout to warn Evie and the others of the danger. He will see.

Behind me, my teammates look on anxiously. I see something else in their eyes now. I think it is hope and expectation. If I score, our school will be champions.

I take three steps back, and then surge forward. My foot makes contact with the ball. I make it look clumsy as I strike it on the side, my boot giving it considerable spin.

I stumble, pretending to slip, landing face first in the mud. The ball flies away at great speed, but nowhere close to the opposition goal. I lift my head out of the mud just in time to see it fall at Evie's feet.

She looks down at the ball and reads the message I have secretly written on it with my muddy fingers.


Her eyes narrow in brief contemplation but thankfully she starts running just as the referee blows his whistle, signaling the end of the game. The Pallfordians explode in jubilation. They have won the championship thanks to my terrible shot. About thirty of them jump down from the bleachers and run onto the field to celebrate with their team. They scramble everywhere in excitement. My plan has worked. Our own fans start booing and shouting in disappointment. I am, most likely, the target of their disapproval.

I remain on the ground, eyes fixed on the hooded being. It appears confused at the development and turmoil caused by me sending the ball almost to its feet and the growing crowd around it. It moves deeper into the shadows. Its concealed face turns abruptly to the left, as if it has heard or seen something, and it vanishes in the shadows.

As I am about to pursue it, a familiar voice returns.


Pappou! Where are you?

I have always been here. Where were you?

I am sorry, Pappou. It will never happen again. I know now. No one must know. Or They will come.

My poor Adam. They are already here. Remember your purpose. Always.

Before the seriousness of what Pappou has said sinks in, my teammates start walking by me, one by one. Some don't even have the energy to look at me, let alone talk. Two of the braver ones kick mud in my face, members of Brad's gang, and if it wasn't for Coach, who is walking closely behind them, I have the feeling they would have done much worse. I also hear a few whispers as they make their way to the locker rooms.

"What a freak."

"Such a loser."

"He could have at least passed the ball."


Coach Sanders stands above me. He is holding the ball from the game and drops it in the mud in front of me. His voice is thick with disappointment. "Remember that war story? I guess you are a "Simo". Give me that uniform; you're not fit to wear it." He pulls the soccer jersey from my body even as I kneel on the ground. Coach then turns his back and strides away to meet the team. They disappear into the locker rooms, leaving me naked from the waist up, covered in mud in the pouring rain.

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