Walk In The Park

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Amber's P.O.V.

Today me, Dean, Sam and my best friend, Mary, are going to the park with our boyfriends. Mary loved to always tease me and Dean because she finds it hilarious, and I'll admit, I do too. Dean, however, well, he can be a grump but he does end up laughing in the end. Especially when it comes to the sexual jokes.

We all live together in the Men of Letters house, there's tons of rooms, but we always end up just sharing the bed with our boyfriend's. Or, if we get bad and want to bitch, we use one of the rooms as our own.

"C'mon, Ambie you've been getting ready for ages we're literally going out for half an hour or more, just get clothes on and come out, or.. Y'know, you can go naked, that's cool too" Dean chuckles.

"Oh shut up, you knob, I'm just putting make up on, I've literally only been getting ready for going on three minutes right this second! I'll get Mary on you" I joke, laughing myself. I start humming 'Cinderblock Garden' by All Time Low as I apply mascara.

I open the bathroom door, walking into mine and Dean's mostly shared room. You can tell who's side is who's by how messy his side usually is compared to mine.

Dean bumps into me almost instantly as I walk out, then putting his arms around me and placing his hands on the small of my back.

"Jesus Christ, Dean, you scared the shit out of me!" I hold my hand to my heart and laugh lightly, smacking his arm playfully.

"Did you actually shit?" Dean raises an eyebrow "No, I did not" I laugh, pushing him away jokingly.

Mary pushes open the door and yells "I'M HERE AND READY MY BEAUTIFUL BITCHES" whilst smiling brightly wearing all black, besides Sam's red and black flanneled shirt.
Me and Dean both laugh, I walk up and hug her "my Mareh".

"Favouritism!" Dean calls after us, walking past to leave the room.
We both just laugh, I then chase after him and attempt to jump on his back, only ending up falling onto my ass and laughing at myself. "Amber, you stupid bitch" Mary laughs, helping me up.

"Dean, come get your girl before she breaks something, including herself!" she says. Dean runs back and takes hold of my hand.


"Where's my Sammy?!" Mary shouts, noticing he's taking longer than all of us, and walking through to their room, leaving Amber and Dean to get to the car.

"I'M COMING, CALM DOWN" Sam shouts back, running through quickly using his long legs.

"What took you so long?" she crosses her arms, leaning to one side, pretending to look angry but inside laughing.

"Nothing..." he innocently rocks back and forth on his feet.

She rolls her eyes, and grabs his arm, pulling him along. Sam may be very tall, but so is Mary, I'm the midget of the house whilst Mary is almost at Dean's height.

--in car--

"Who wants tunes?!" Amber calls from the front.
"MEEEEEEE" Mary raises her hand, accidentally smacking it against the roof, forgetting the car is low down.
"Fuck sake, Amber your clumsiness is contagious!"

"I don't think that's even possible, Mary!" Dean laughs.
"Wait, is it?" I furrow my eyebrows.
Dean laughs loudly at me, moving his hand over to hold mine "no dear, it's not"

Mary and Sam pretend to loudly gag at the same time, making me stick my tongue out at them before kissing Dean's cheek.

"I want Bon Jovi" Mary states "I second that" Sam chimes in, then taking Mary's hand to hold.

"Too bad, shotgun picks" I laugh.
"Then why did you ask?!" Mary pokes me playfully.
"To rub in that fact I get to pick from being with the driver"
"Hey, Dean used to tell me the shotgun doesn't get to pick, only the driver!" Sam frowns.

"Guys, can you shut up? We're here" Dean shakes his head, pulling up to the park.

"YAY!" Me and Mary jump out of the car, yelling at the same time and running towards the swings. Luckily it's basically empty besides some loud teenagers in the field quite far ahead.

We laugh, swinging in sync and trying to keep holding hands in the process.

"Our girlfriends are weird as hell" Sam laughs, walking slowly towards us with Dean. "Very true.. But, that's why we love them" Dean smiles.

"I'm glad in America that only means butt"
"Why, what does it mean in the UK?" Sam raises an eyebrow, only just reaching us.

Sam and Dean start laughing loudly "you guys are hilarious" Sam shakes his head.

"Oh, we know" I nod my head.


Me and Dean bring towels back from the Impala that we brought with us, to lay on the ground.
I sit down on the towel, waiting for Dean to sit behind me and pull me into his arms.

Mary and Sam sit down on theirs cross-legged. "Mary, can I ask you something?" Sam asks, Mary just nods, beginning to play Bon Jovi's  greatest hits on her phone, sticking her tongue out at me for not letting her play it in the car.

"Okay, well.." he takes a deep breath, briefly looking over to me and Dean whom already knew what was going to happen. "I've loved you for, three long years, where I've gotten to know you pretty well, thank you Amber, by the way, for introducing us" he looks over to see me jokingly flip my hair. I look up to see Dean recording them.

"Anyway, I've been wanting to do this for ages, because basically I completely adore you, and find you funny, loving, caring, and just the most beautiful girl I've ever met.. So, I was wondering if you'd like to, one day, become Mrs. Mary Winchester?" Sam bites his lip, having got out a small box and opened it in the process.

"ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! HOW IS THAT EVEN A QUESTION, HELL YES!" she squeals, wrapping her arms around him and kissing him adoringly.

Sam laughs, putting the ring on her finger.

"That was so cute!" I gush "hey, hey, hey, don't get any ideas" Dean winks at me, making me laugh and kissing my cheek gently.

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