2. Literal Perfection

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Aleks hasn't known Kevin as long as he'd care to admit, but he liked to think he knew everything about Kevin; from the way he spoke to the things he liked to the people he knew. Obviously, he was far from it.

When some random stranger approached Kevin, Aleks wasn't ready for his reaction. Kevin froze. Literally, stopped everything and just stared at the dude.

Okay, what the fuck?

"Kev," Aleks shook his arm to snap him out of it. "Kevin?"

"Landon!" Kevin's face broke out into a wide grin, and without pause he stood to give the guy a tight hug. Everyone, Aleks included, shared confused looks. Not that they weren't used to strangers recognizing Kevin — although most of them were usually drunken one night stands or old acquaintances Kevin hadn't bothered to remember the faces of — it was rare and unusual for Kevin to react with anything more than an insincere smile.

After a sufficient amount of hugging time, which felt a bit too long for anyone's comfort, the two pulled away. When their arms remained wrapped around each other Aleks noticed that the other guy was ridiculously attractive. His heart started beating faster.

"How long has it been? I haven't seen you since the eighth frickin' grade!" finally, Kevin turned and raised his eyebrows at his friends, as if surprised to see them there.

"Shit! You guys have never met!" Kevin laughed, pushing his hair back.

No shit, Aleks thought.

"Everyone, this is Landon. We were best buddies in middle school," Kevin flashed them a goofy grin and patted Landon's back. Landon laughed and got to know everyone's name.

"I'm Aleks," he silently cursed himself for how robotic he sounded. "Kevin never mentioned you before."

"Well it helps that we haven't spoken to each other for almost three years," Landon smirked. Kevin laughed. Damn, Aleks tried not to physically frown. He literally can say anything and Kevin will laugh like he'd just said the funniest joke in the world.

"Oh, shit, it's been three years," Landon stood straighter and turned to face Kevin. "How old are you? You're sixteen?"

Kevin's face twisted, his lips curling up—again, is this Landon guy that funny?—"We're like the same age dude, what—oh my God," as if a light bulb had gone off in Kevin's mind, his mouth opened, his eyes bulged. If Aleks weren't so busy checking out how Landon's shirt hugged him in the most gorgeous way he would've laughed.

"You're sixteen too right? Have you—oh my God, I mean I know you have but—I mean, after that. I mean, fuck," Kevin's mind seemed to be running faster than his tongue, and when Landon put a hand on his shoulder to stop him, he only laughed, continuing to stumble over his words again.

Landon rolled his eyes. "Dude. I got laid the second your skinny ass left. Who the fuck do you think you're talking to? I wasn't a virgin even when I was a virgin."

"That doesn't even make any fucking sense," Kevin laughed, and wrapped his arms around Landon again. They shared another overly long hug. This time, Aleks couldn't stop the frown on his face. Yeah. That really doesn't make any sense.

"Hey," Jordan's soft voice was what broke Kevin and Landon apart. "It's nice to know Kevin has feelings for people other than himself, but would you guys mind an explanation? We have no idea what's going on."

James laughed.

Kevin's face flushed, as if he'd forgotten there were other people with him. Who the hell was this guy? And why did he cause such a reaction from Kevin? Aleks forced a smile on his face when Landon's icy blue eyes landed on him. He couldn't help the shiver running down his spine despite the Colorado heat.

"Fuck—sorry guys. We used to go to school together, we were bust buddies since, like, preschool. We ended up going to different high schools, you guys know I moved from Washington to Colorado to attend school right? Yeah. We still kept in contact but we got caught up in other things and haven't seen each other in years. Speaking of which, what are you doing in Colorado?"

Landon shoved his hands into his pockets. He had that beach-boy, laid back, all-American-dream look. He had a strong jaw, messy dark blonde hair that was slicked back, golden strands falling around his face, and the most enticing blue shade of eyes Aleks had ever seen. Not to mention his body was so fit he looked like he'd rolled out of a 2000's Abercrombie catalogue. The only thing that put him away from the golden child look was the way his lips curled into a smirk. Somehow, he looked like someone evil. Like he knew something naughty, like he was holding everyone around him on a string. Aleks cleared his throat. He probably was.

"My sister wanted to visit some friends and I decided to tag along. Besides, summer in Colorado seems really fun. I just hit up the coolest music festival a couple days ago."

"Dragonland?" Eddie perked up. "I was there! It was the shit."

"Dude no way," Landon smiled, showing off his pearly whites. "When they started playing that remix for The Weeknd I lost it."

"Oh my God me too! I was so drunk afterwards I couldn't even get home! I literally fell asleep in the trunk of some random dude's pickup. I woke up next to a raccoon."

Landon scraped back a chair and sat down. Kevin seemed to snap out of a daze and took a seat as well. Aleks noticed he'd decided to sit closer to Landon. His side felt cold without Kevin's arm draped over him. O-kay.

In three minutes, Landon became instant best friends with everyone, ordered a sweet and sour fried shrimp with rice, and made Kevin laugh with literally every word he said. Aleks was caught between hating the guy and being in complete awe of how actually perfect he was.

1. He was so good looking it was kind of blinding 2. He knew exactly how to talk to people and his confidence was impossibly attractive and 3. He seemed a lot more intelligent than he was letting on.

Aleks scraped the meat out of his mussel and chewed it slowly. His friends and Landon chatted on casually. He fit in so well it looked like he's been their friend for years.

"Hey guys," Landon stopped suddenly, as if remembering something. "My sister and some of her friends are going to this party tomorrow. It's supposed to be ultra exclusive and so wild, but I think I can get all of us in. You guys interested?"

"Where is it?" Kevin asked. His mouth was full of pasta. Gross.

"Blaze Inferno. I'm sure you've heard of it, it's like, the hippest place ever. I know the guard—he'll let us in for sure."

"Um?" For the first time since Landon appeared, Aleks spoke. Everyone turned to look at him. "Blaze Inferno is a twenty-one and up only club. It's supposed to be the most secure club around here. And isn't it notorious for all the illegal shit that goes on in there?"

"Exactly," Landon's voice was smooth, but Aleks wondered if he heard an undertone of annoyance. "That's what makes it the coolest place. You all in?"

"Guys," Kevin perked up. "This could be our only chance to go into Blaze Inferno. Who knows if we can even get in when we're twenty-one. I say we go for it."

What?! Aleks' heart hammered. What what what the fuck?!

"Well," Eddie shrugged. "I'm in. I heard the dancers in Blaze are hot."

"There aren't just girls," Landon looked at Aleks and winked. "Don't worry. You guys will have the greatest time."

"Sure," everyone murmured in agreement.

"Great. Could I have everyone's numbers? I'll text you guys the details."

Everyone handed their phone over to Landon so he could punch in his number.

Aleks tried not to roll his eyes when Landon handed his phone back to him. He looked down at his screen. Fuck.

Landon J 💜😩👉🏼👌🏼


Um. So. Like. Sorry I've been missing for so long LAWL. I really don't have an excuse except that I've been soOO busy with school and such. So I guess this can be an early xmas gift from me to yall? Anyways happy holidays!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2016 ⏰

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