Chapter 4

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I opened my eyes slowly and gasped in pain as I felt the searing pain from the cut head. I blinked as I felt blood from the wound in my head dripping into my eye. I gritted my teeth against the pain and looked up. Only then did I realise that I was being dragged between two soldiers through a building. A third was behind me holding my arms painfully behind me.

I jerked and planted by feet, trying to get away. They merely pulled my hands higher up on my back till I stumbled in pain and dragged me along. Suddenly they stopped and shoved me down onto my knees. The one holding my hand tied a rope around my wrists. “Well, this is a surprise. A silver aura. There hasn’t been one of those since the riders disappeared.”

 I looked up and saw a man wearing black trousers and a black shirt. His jet black air was lined with white and his eyes were hard and coal black. I glared up at him.

“What’s your name and where do you come from?” he asked me looking at me with interest. I just kept glaring at him, saying nothing. “If you’re going to be like that, fine then.” He took a small pointed dagger from his belt and walked behind me.

I felt the sharp tip of a dagger pressing into my right hand digging in just under my elbow before trailing down to my wrist. I could feel the blood running down my arm soaking the rope in seconds. I screamed, jerking away from the blade in pain and shock, but strong hands clamped down on my shoulders, holding me still. The man grabbed my hair and pulled my head up. My vision blurred a black haze that was creeping into my head.

“What is your name?” He snarled into my ear. I felt the blade, still in the cut turn slowly. I screamed again, as I felt my flesh tearing against the blade.

“Lyra” I gasped, my body spamming in pain. I slumped forwards as the blade withdrew from my hand, taking shaky breaths. Someone yanked my head up again.

 “Now we’re getting somewhere. I’m Ranne,” the man said, his smile cruel and he walked in front of me again. "Now where do you come from?” My mind dimly registered that I couldn’t tell him that. He might hurt might someone I love. As he saw my expression, his hand dropped towards the dagger.

 Suddenly, a soldier ran up and whispered something in 

Ranne’s ear. He turned around and the hands holding me disappeared. I half fell forwards on my knees, just catching myself before I hit the ground. As I painfully pulled myself back up I saw someone hiding in the shadows, looking at my hand.

I stiffened in shock as I realised that it was the man I had seen while I was unconscious. Then I realised what else was on my hand other hand the cut. The dragon mark. I clenched my hands hissing in pain as the movement made the cut open wider.

 The looked up and met my eyes, with awe and panic before disappearing into the shadows. Wild panic raced through my heart. Had he seen it? Did he know?

 Ranne turned around and looked at me. “Put her in a cell and don’t let her escape” He ordered, before turning and disappearing down a corridor behind the solider. The two soldiers behind me dragged me up from the ground and started marching me between them, stopping in front of a cell.

 “No!” I shouted desperately as I felt them take my swords, sheath and all off my back. I twisting in their grip I saw them hang it outside my cell. Then opening the cell door with a key they pushed me in between them. Lifting me up the soldiers tied my hands to a hook with rope, so that my feet dangled about a meter off the ground. I screamed and thrashed as the weight of my body hung in my injured arm.

 The soldiers went out of the cell, locking it behind them. I banged my feet against the wall finding a grip, taking the weight of my body off my hands. I screamed my body jerking wildly as my feet slipped and the weight of my body was brutally shoved against my arms. Then the pain disappeared as I fell into peaceful unconsciousness.

I opened my eyes only minutes later. I cried out, as I felt the pain sharpening in my arm. My left uninjured arm was numb but my injured arm was pulsing with pain. I heard a soft sound from the cell door and saw the man from my vision. He was trying to open the lock with dagger. His black eyes met my pain filled ones and he ducked his head his hands working faster.

 I scraped the soles of my legs against the wall, struggling to find a purchase. My foot slipped and my choked scream echoed around the cell. My body went limp as jagged flashes of black crossed my vision. I heard the cell door open, but I didn’t even have the strength to look up. All of my senses were focused on the burning pain in my arm.

 I froze as I felt warm hands fiddling with the rope around my hands. Then the rope holding me off the ground was gone and I fell into the man’s arms. Instinctively, I jerked in his arms, leaning away from him propelling myself out of his arms. I landed in a crouch with my back to the wall and my injured arm cradled to my chest. I looked up and the room spun around me slumping me back against the wall.

 I heard someone walking towards me quickly and forced my head up, gritting my teeth against the pain.

  “Let me help you. I can get you out.” The voice was strong and comforting. I nodded the small movement causing me to whimper in pain. I felt the ground disappear beneath me as he lifted me into his arms.

  I leaned away from him slightly looking around. As he walked out of the cell urgently I suddenly remembered my swords. “Wait put me down for a second. Now!” Hesitantly, he softly put me on the ground. I stumbled to my swords hanging on the wall, and hung them on my back. “Okay,” I murmured.

  He lifted me up again and this time if leaned into him for support. I struggled to keep my eyes open as the world spun wildly around me. I felt him running beneath me and then we were outside. I could feel the cool night breeze on my face, soothing the stinging cut on my head.

  Suddenly, I could feel Eridor in my head. He was speeding through the air towards us opening his wings wide for landing. The man suddenly froze beneath me. I looked up into the beauty of Eridor.


 I felt the enraged cry in my head even though it was directed at the man. I felt the man place me on the ground but my head was spinning so hard that I couldn’t make sense of anything. “Eridor” I mumbled and stumbled one step in the direction I thought he was in, but my legs failed and I fell to the ground. I saw through Eridors eyes. Seeing him curl his body around me so that I was under his wing and pressed to his stomach. I snuggled into his warm side gratefully. I saw the man frozen with shock, staring at Eridor in awe. Eridor growled at him defensively and he backed away a few paces. Opening my eyes I saw him push his massive head in to rest beside me and nudge me softly.

 Young one. You’re hurt. It’s all my fault. I didn’t protect you.

 I shook my head and then winced. “No, you did the right thing,” I mumbled. I could feel his anger and worry in my head, but it was quickly overpowered with pain. I struggled to hold onto consciousness as the pain enveloped me.

 Sleep young one. Rest. I will look after you.

 So I closed my eyes, into a painless bliss.


Theres a picture of Raine on the side if you haven't noticed? Personally, I think he's good for my character. What do you think?

ON HOLD (EDITING) Rise of the Dragons: BeginningOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora