Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Warning/s: None really. Set post-season 4 but before season 5 so as long as you've seen up to 4x13 you should be fine.

A/N: Dedicated to musicnlyrics who's my 500th ever reviewer. As a reward she gets a story written for her with her ideas and general outline. Big shout out to her, because this story wouldn't ever have started without her. That being said and done, please enjoy the chapter and favourite and follow and review if you want to!

Disclaimer: I don't own Merlin, and that's probably a good thing for the entire viewing population.

A couple of new maids passed Merlin, eyes widening as they took in her baggy shirt and trousers, complete with navy neckerchief. Evidently they hadn't heard about her infamous fashion sense yet. She simply carried on walking, peering over the top of the stack of Arthur's armour so she could actually see. The now gossiping women turned the corner, and Merlin heard squeals and high-pitched apologies as they ran into someone. Someone male, by the sound of it. More squealing followed as the deep voice told them 'no worries, m'ladies, it's fine'. Merlin rolled her eyes as she imagined the two blonde airheads curtsying and batting their eyelids.

"Merlin!" Oh, joy. It was Thomas, the head of servants. Merlin guessed that he could be considered handsome – and was by most maidservants (and a few of the manservants) – in the castle with his rugged good looks, consisting of mahogany, curly locks and hazel eyes, complete with a tall, muscular build. To be honest, for all of his sweet lines and charming gazes, he was hiding an absolute prat underneath. An absolute prat who just had to be utterly fixated with her. Not Eliza, the kitchen girl who wore short skirts and low cut tops and threw herself onto both servants and knights like a leech. No, her, plain old Merlin, who had next to no figure showing at any time, and who was considered ugly – by herself, that was.

"Thomas! I haven't seen you for a month!" Why couldn't it have been two?

"I know...I've missed you." Merlin resisted the urge to flinch away as he neared her. He reminded her of a wolf, with his smile that showed all of his teeth and the way he prowled rather than walked. He was doing it now, stalking instead of strolling towards her. When he held out his hand she accepted it out of politeness and respect for his position, nothing else, and she had to repress a shudder as he pressed his lips to her knuckles. She never understood that gesture; women didn't do anything back apart from simper and blush and perhaps curtsy. None of which Merlin did. Instead, she managed to put down the armour she had been holding precariously with one hand so it didn't fall over and then faced Thomas, bowing her head slightly in return.

Thomas looked slightly put out by her reaction, or lack thereof – most women would have fainted by now – but quickly regained his 'pride'. Puffing out his chest, he said, "The banquet tonight – your services are required. To serve the king and queen with drink."

Merlin already knew this, but she smiled and nodded anyway. "Thank you, Thomas, I shan't forget."

"Good," he said and nodded pompously. With that he marched away, hands clasped behind his back, pausing only once to give her a wink over his shoulder.

"Arrogant idiot," she muttered darkly, stooping to pick up the armour again.

"Who does he think he is," she continued to herself as she made her way down the stairs, "just 'knowing' that I desire him? Because I most certainly do not," she added hastily, as if someone was there listening. "He's even worse than Arthur."

Merlin's talking to herself was a nice distraction, and also proved to be short lived when she overestimated where a step was and slipped through thin air's feeble grasp. She gave an involuntary shriek, falling forwards, and dropped the armour. Luckily she was only ten steps or so from the bottom, and so when she hit the ground, it pressing cold and hard into her cheek, she was no more than a little dazed, and only one side of her face hurt – the side she'd landed on, funnily enough.

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