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On board the pirate ship, Bourbon, Margaret Rathbone with Peter Ives hid in the brig as the crew of the Royal Naval ship, the HMS Blackwall laid siege to the pirate ship. Peter defended Margaret as best he could and told her to hide in the cell cages just before the Naval officers took Peter as prisoner.

Margaret stayed hidden until it was safe for her to leave the brig. She then made her way to the deck just to be met with cannon fire as the Blackwall laid waist to the pirate ship and took her crew hostage. She fought against all odds in a sinking ship as she knew, it was time to live or die.

She forced her way out of the hull of the ship and with a makeshift raft, she braved the wild ocean. All was calm at first, but as the sun set on the second day, she was met with a raging storm that seperated her from her raft. The next morning, Margaret finds herself washed up on an island.

1. New Awakenings picks up where Son of the Seas, chapter 11. Adrift ends off.

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