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"WATCH OUT!" You ducked just in time to avoid the blaster fire over your head. "Thanks." You flashed a smile at Scotty as you both ducked for cover. "How many of these bastards are there?" Another few shots flew past both of you and you took the opportunity to shoot back, somehow managing to hit one of them. "Hard t' be certain." He responded, flipping out his communicator "Scott to Enterprise! Come in! Enterprise, come in!" The two remaining Klingons took the lack of fire as a chance to advance. "They're coming!" You let off a few more rounds in their direction. Scotty frustratedly dropped his communicator and attempted to fire as well, only to realise that his phaser was out of charge. "Damn it!" He hissed, dropping that as well and pressing his back the the metal wall that was your temporary sanctuary.

"I can't hold them back forever!" You barked, noticing that your own phaser was almost depleted. "I know, I know!" He desperately looked around for anything that might help. Finding nothing, he met your gaze desperately. "Everything' going to be oka-" A hand around your throat cut you off and pulled you back.  "Help" you wanted to yell but everything was spinning and getting darker. The Klingon that held you smiled and you felt pain and then....

You gasped for air, and shot up to a sitting position. Your breath was hard and laboured but you looked at your surroundings, quickly finding Scotty smiling down at you. "Easy there. Glad you're awa-"

"The Klingons!" You began and Scotty motioned behind you. "They were distracted with you and I grabbed your phaser. We've got to move though, before more come." You nodded and stood with his help. "We've got to contact the ship." The words didn't want to leave your throat, but you forced them through. Damn it, your voice wasn't going to come back any time soon. "Aye, that's why I'm taking us to where we beamed down." He took your hand and lead you out of the metal building where just hours before the landing party had been feasting the celebration of a new treaty before the Klingons had arrived.

Still a bit dazed, you looked at the engineer. His hair was a bit disheveled and his shirt dirty, but otherwise fine. You'd always admired his sense of loyalty to the Enterprise and remembered when he'd punched a crew member of a pioneer class when he'd said that the Enterprise was "a piece of garbage". The thought made you chuckle and he looked back at you questioningly. "What's wrong?" You took a breath before responding. "Nothing. I was just... I was thinking about you actually." He grinned as you both continued walking towards the exit. "What about?" He'd tried to keep the curiosity out of his voice, but then again, he was never a good faker. "The pioneer incident." You simply replied and he bit his lip, repressing a laugh. "Ah yes, well I had to defend my ship's honour. She can beat any pioneer class out there. That and... Well there was someone to impress." Curiosity got the best of you at the last statement and as you were about to ask, he hand up a finger to his lips.

"Hear that?" You shook your head and he looked around. A growl came from somewhere to your right and you both knew the Klingons had found you. He pulled at your hand and began running towards the exit. "Come on!" As you continued to run along side him, you noticed that the Klingons hadn't fired a single shot. They were flushing you out of the building. It had been a trap. You opened your mouth to tell Scotty but he  spoke first. "You. I was trying to impress you," He panted before continuing. "I thought maybe you'd like to get a drink sometime." You let out a winded laugh. "Ask me again in ten minutes."

As soon as you exited the building, the shots began and you realised that you were being herded like cattle. They wanted to surround you and make sure you couldn't go anywhere. With no phasers and no way to contact the ship, both of you were dead. A Klingon in front of you made you both stop. Standing back to back now, you realised that a circle of Klingons had surrounded you. It was over. Their leader said something you couldn't not understand and the rest of them laughed. You turned to Scotty and grabbed his hand. "Together?" He turned to face you and nodded in acknowledgement. "Aye. Together." He was about to face the Klingons when you grabbed the back of his neck and pulled him down to a kiss. If you were going to die, then you were going to do so on your own terms. You heard the Klingons ready their weapons and... And then nothing.

Cool air suddenly hit your face and you pulled back from Scotty. "You two need a minute?" Captain Kirk's voice teased and you both smiled at each other then to him. "No, sir. Just the wildest date I've ever been on." He placed his arm around your shoulder and pulled you closer to him. Kirk rolled his eyes. "Let's go, Scotty. We're going to warp on out of here. Lieutenant, go rest up. I'm sure Mr. Scott will join you when he's finished." Scotty beamed. "With pleasure, captain. I'll have her ready in 5." He shot you a wink and handed you the card to his quarters. You smiled back at him, kissed him on the cheek, and made your way over. Although the last 5 hours had been a disaster, you were sure that from now on, things would be looking up for the both of you.

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