Chapter Three: You Don't Want to be in a Real War

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February 29th, 2020 - Thursday - 7:16 AM.

My eyes were locked on the man with the crossbow, but I had to remember an important detail: it wasn't just him and I. There were others around me who could kill me in a matter of seconds.

I decided to play it safe and run towards the Strike Troopers whom I knew wouldn't kill me. Not now, at least. Well, I hoped they wouldn't... after all, I did kill the mob leader for them. They owed me, technically. Hah.

Turns out that my instincts were right. As I ran towards the Troopers, they just ran around me, not even glancing at me once. I turned around, an exhale of relief escaping from my lips. But as my eyes focused on the battle before me, I no longer felt secure...

I saw blood being splattered everywhere: on the asphalt, on clothing, on people's faces. I watched in absolute horror as man lunged at man, striking at each other without hesitation. Troopers fell. Mob members fell. There were gunshots, but I realized that this was a little difficult for the Troopers since guns don't necessarily work in close combat. I watched a Trooper get stabbed in the chest before he even got the chance to pull the trigger.

So this is what a real war looked like, I couldn't help but think. I never thought it would be like this... Sure I'd probably kill for my own defense when the time came. And maybe for venegeance... but I wasn't so sure anymore. I mean, I could throw a punch or cut someone with a knife... but kill them? Without hesitation? I was frozen in place, my eyes unable to look away from the bloodbath before me. These people wanted to kill. They wanted to win. And they'd do whatever it takes to do so.

I blinked. What was that? Who said that? I was finally able to peel my eyes away from the scene and look around. I could have sworn I heard someone calling my name... I scanned the crowd, a pair of eyes locking onto mine. It was one of the Strike Troopers... I frowned as I saw him yelling at what seemed to be the top of his lungs as he waved his arms at me. What was he saying? I was in a daze, the world tipping. I was finally able to read his lips, his mouth forming my name "Juliana! Juliana! Look out!". I watched him point to my right, my eyes following his gaze.

That's when I saw a mean-looking mob member charging me with a butcher knife.

Naturally, I screamed.

This dude looked like a crazy, bloody butcher who drinks blood for breakfast. At least he was scary enough for me to snap back to reality and out of my daze. I grabbed one of my throwing knives, chucking it at him as I backed up as quickly as I possibly could.

Unfortunately, because I was still in a slight daze as the knife left my hand, my aiming was off. It hit Mr. Insane-Bloody-Butcher in his massive bicep. He stumbled and paused a moment to howl in pain. Then he glared up at me, his eyes full of bloodlust. This is just like that one book I read... I couldn't help but remember. With that one insane cannibal guy...

It was not a good time to be nostalgic about my childhood - this I realized a little too late. The Butcher, as I was beginning to call him, was closing in for the kill. And I was frozen in terror. I pressed my eyes closed, not wanting to watch myself be murdered with a butcher knife. After several pain-staking seconds passed, I opened my eyes. Why am I not dead?

I looked down to see a surprising sight - only a yard away, the Butcher lay on the street facedown, blood pouring out from a hole in the side of his head. Someone had shot him.

I blinked a few times. Who shot him? Was this even real? Or was this some alternate reality where I lucked out?

"Hey! You okay?" A voice said right next to me, a hand touching my arm.

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