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"You're not surprised." Bruce Wayne said impassively, in his Batman getup.

"Of course, have you ever seen Batman and Bruce Wayne in the same room? Besides, I don't do business like this with just anyone."

The dark knight let out a
small chuckle. "Point conceded. So I would like to take on your services on all the bat-vehicles and the computer if possible."

"The computer?" John asked, with a raised eyebrow.

"Well I figured since you have technology that can convert brainwaves into communicational data to send to a third party compressed into your glasses I would imagine improving a computer shouldn't be a problem." Replied Bruce nonchalantly, with a wave of his hand.

-We've been had John, I wonder how he found out...Oh...oooh I see, you clever boy you. The cctv Bruce has in the batcave and the manor are full spectrum cameras, also being able to detect transmission, and it picked up your brainwaves being converted and sent to me. What a clever little bat.-

»I figured«

"You know I don't charge cheaply right, especially for an undertaking like this."

"Price has never been an issue for me."

»Cortana, do the maths.«

-It should be $67,250,000-

"This will cost you $67,250,000 for everything done. I will improve your Batplane to be able to go to space, get to mars and back on a single charge, able to travel to 1/3 the speed of light, your scanners should reach out just past the moon. You will be able to perform zero g manoeuvres in excess of 20Gs, with the dampeners lowering it to 3. In atmosphere it will be able to travel at mach 6 and the life support will allow you to handle turns as high as 14G and feel only 2Gs. It will be capable of vertical lift-off and landing, and can carry up to 60 tons of gear and luggage. However it is not invincible, as I don't know what weapons to guard against, however it will take on any fighter on this planet easily."

The Master Chief carried on whilst a single eyebrow, followed by the next steadily rose on Bruce's face.

"As for your Batmobile, it will be able to go 1600 miles per charge, and is able to reach 350mph. It will have 3700hp and can pull trailers up to 15 tons in weight. The driving area is a separate, movable capsule within the car, so one you get in, it seals itself and moves independently from the car, and thus can rotate to compensate for the sharp turns, allowing you to withstand sharp corners with ease. It will be able to house three, but can expand to five if needs be.

The Batboat will be able to go underwater and also travel at 150 knots and 90 knots underwater. It will be able to travel from the west coast to Japan in one charge, it will be resized and can fit three maximum, and can pull aircraft carriers like a tug.

Free of charge, I will upgrade the Wayne yacht to be able to house it undetected and have superior speed and distance capabilities.

As for fuel, you will be able to only get them from me, they are un-analysable and will cost $2000 per charge.

All vehicles will also have various weapon pods for you to fill and also some stealth technology, but beware, don't annalyze or reverse engineer them, harm will come to you.

As for the computer, I can upgrade it's processing power to the equivalent of all the computers, phones and tablets in Gotham combined, you could probably run the city with it."

A speechless Batman stared at John for a good minute before speaking.

" So when do you finish these upgrades?"

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