Another Cinderella story (percabeth story)

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A/N: Rick Riordan owns these characters not me. I just came up with some parts to the story line. Enjoy!
FYI: it's in Annabeths POV.

Okay, okay i'm up! I thought. I was exhausted. This was the second time I pulled an all nighter studying for exams. It was really hard but, if I was going to get an A I had to. I groaned hearing my stepmother's voice "ANNAAABEETTHHH!!!!!!!" she shouted. I pulled myself out of bed, pulled my clothes on and fixed my hair. As soon as I got down stairs she was ordering me around. "Pack your brothers lunches, do the laundry, clean this whole apartment, and DO NOT forget to go to the store and get exactly what I put on that list!" she said sternly. I just nodded and started on the boys' lunches.
When the clock on the kitchen stove read 7:09 I wolfed down my breakfast and ran out the door of our 10th floor penthouse suite. I stumbled into the elevator and jabbed my finger into the button that read L.
School (believe it or not) was my only escape. I mean when I was home I was cleaning,cooking, or studying. It was always like that. And when Sarah [i couldn't remember Annabeth's real stepmom's name from the story so I named her Sarah] wanted to have a prestigious dinner party, I cooked cleaned, and straightend the house until I was exhausted and after all that she still made me eat alone in my tiny little upstairs room.

Home room was always interesting it was history. Next I had advanced math, then advanced Language arts, lunch, gym, biology, and then my extracurricular course. So when I got to school what I did not expect was a new kid.
He had dark messy hair and sea green eyes. He was tall. He wore jeans, a tee shirt and a hoodie. Plus, he gave off that 'I reaalllyy don't want to be here' vibe. At first he seemed stupid, and mean and skater typish. But, that was before I got to know him.
Mrs. Waters stood up to take attendance. "Annabeth?" she said. "here" I replied. Then after a couple more names I heard "Perseus Jackson?" I saw the dark haired guy redden he said "here, and uh I prefer Percy."
After the final bell at school rang I had two other exams to study for, a paper due next Friday, and a class novel to read. So I was a little stressed out. And I still had to go to the store for Sarah. I was so caught up in my thoughts I wasn't paying attention to where I was walking. Suddenly I ran into someone.
"Ouch!" I heard someone say. I had dropped all my books and didn't even notice who I had walked into. It was the Percy kid. I figured he would laugh at me and call me a Nerd and that I needed to watch where I was going next time ,but he bent down to help me with my books. "I'm so sorry!" I said. "it's my fault!" He just looked up at me and said "no it's fine really, uh heres your book." he handed me one of the books i had dropped. I noticed it was sense and sensibility by Jane Austen. After I had picked up all my books I said by to Percy and finished my walk home.
A/N:Soo what do u guys think!!! I hope it meets it'a standards!!! I'm gonna add a cute percabeth moment that has something to do with Jane Austen. Was gonna use Romeo and Juliet but, too twilight and waayyy to stereotypical. Until next time comment, vote, and Eat Pizza!!
~Cara <3
When I got home I hurried up to my room, dropped my backpack and books down on my bed, and ran back downstairs grabbed Sarah's list of groceries and headed out the door.
My first stop was a small market located about a block away from my apartment complex. I loved going to this particular market because of was small and quaint it was. I mean it had pretty much everything you might need in one small place.
I picked out everything on the list and quickly made my way to the cashier's counter. I was halfway through the line when he walked in. It was Percy he with a few friends it seemed. One guy was tall blonde and
built like he worked out a lot. I recognized him immediately. It was Jason Grace. My friend Piper has had a crush on him since ninth grade.
The other guy he was with was shorter and clearly Hispanic. I recognized him too. It was Leo Valdez. I had gym with him and he seemed like a pretty cool guy. The last guy with the pack of guys was tall, Chinese, and looked very out of place. Him I recognized but didn't know his name.
When I finally reached the cashier I paid for my groceries and started towards the door. As I was leaving I heard Percy and his friends laughing at a joke Leo had made. I do longed to be able to do that but, I had a very small number of friends and Sarah forbid me to hang out with them unless all her chores for me were done.
Finally after two hours of walking around New York City I managed to buy everything on the list and still beat Sarah home. When I got home I unloaded the groceries, cleaned the apartment, and started on dinner.

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