Boy or Man

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I wrote this poem about my best friend's son. I hope that my friend shows it to him in hopes that it'll help him wake up and realize what he's doing.

Boy or Man?

I knew this kid once

-in reality he's a man

Who dreamed of becoming

The man with a plan.

He had goals for his life

-maybe two kids and a wife.

But somewhere things

Went horribly wrong.

A girl came along

To ruin life's song.

The good Lord sent her

From heaven above.

It's not what you think

-it was a test, not love.

She entered his life

To use and abuse

His good nature and love

-then the horror ensued.

They were like Bonnie and Clyde

-two criminals forever.

There's one huge difference

-their love was enough to go down together.

Not so with this young couple

She has her own agenda.

She wants him to take the fall on his own

She steals from her family and spreads propaganda.

She steals from his mom

And he cashes the check.

I worry about him because

His mom is my friend, the best.

He knows that it hurts her

-but if he knew how much,

He wouldn't let this girl ruin his life

With the drugs, the stealing and such.

This kid had a dream once

Of being the man with a plan.

For now the question remains-

Is he a boy, or a man?

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