Spotlight Author books - Please Read

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Hey everyone~

Several of you have expressed an interest in showcasing an author's book in some way or another. I think we've finally found a way to do it that's fair to everyone and maintains the spirit of freedom upon which this club was originally founded. 

So here's the idea. 

As the title of the chapter suggests, every month this club will feature a member's book in a separate "Spotlight" reading list. 

But I don't wanna read the Spotlighted book

Reading this Spotlighted book is NOT mandatory. I still want everyone to choose their book assignments and enjoy the chapters they read -- however. If you leave quality feedback, you will be in the running to become the next Spotlighted book. 

Can I use the Spotlighted book as an assignment?

Yes. If you so happen to choose the Spotlighted book as your reading for the week, you may use that as an assignment for the book club. Of course, the same rules apply--if you choose the Spotlighted book for week 1, you will not be able to use it for your assignment for week 2. 

So reading Spotlighted books isn't mandatory. Why should I bother? 

Altruism? Out of the pure goodness of your heart to help others? Not convince yet? Hm. Read on. 

How are Spotlighted books chosen? 

The current Spotlight author will choose the next featured author. They will choose the commentor that they feel helped them out the most with their writing. So, if you comment with something like "This part was great" and leave it at that, you won't be picked. At least, I wouldn't think so. If you don't comment at all, obviously you will not be considered. 

When will new Spotlighted books be chosen?

At the end of the month. By the last day of the month, I will expect a PM to this account for the next Spotlight author. Please PM your choice. Do not post to the message board, do not comment in the forums, do not comment on your chapter or any other chapter in this book.

You cannot Spotlight the author who came immediately before you.

So if you are the current Spotlighted author, please keep that in mind when making your selection for the next Spotlight. If you choose someone who was Spotlighted immediately before you, I will ask you to make another selection. This is to try and give everyone a fair shot, and to prevent a scenario where person A picks person B picks person A picks person B, etc etc. To see if your pick is eligible for Spotlighting, please check the list in next chapter.

What if the current Spotlighted author doesn't/can't/won't choose the next person?

Then the next Spotlighted book will be chosen by a random generator. Yes, it might suck for someone who genuinely put in effort for their helpful comment, but I think it would be more unfair to deny the next person their full month (and, by extension, giving the current Spotlight more than their fair share). 

What if the current Spotlight book is one I love so much that I've already read all available updates? 

You can always backtrack in the book and go to a chapter that you thought was weaker, and offer pointers there. 

This idea sucks and I hate everything that you just said

This is a trial, so it's not set in stone. I am open to constructive ideas and suggestions. If you have anything you feel would improve upon the Spotlight feature of this book club, please comment on this chapter and I will take it into consideration. 

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